Launched in July - 2016 by HinKhoj Group, Namaste English is unique product in India which focus exclusively on Hindi Medium people to learn English using technological way. We have always tried to make it very simple to use. Since our launch, our app has seen millions of downloads and people across india learning English with us. We are using Gamification, Quizzes, Videos, Live Classes and 1-1 Intractions to use every medium to make people learn English easily.

Our Vision: Namaste English wants to be easiest, most effective, result oriented, fun to use and comprehensive English Learning platform in the World.

Bhola Meena (Founder & Mentor)

Bhola is from rural Rajasthan background. He is computer science graduate from IIT Kanpur. He has 10+ experience in software industry working in companies like Microsoft India, Hughes Software Systems etc. From last 8+ years, He is associated with startup ecosystem being founder of multiple companies like, He is passionate about solving language problem for Hindi Medium people and started HinKhoj group in 2007.

Prakash Singh (Chief Operations)

An alumni from XLRI with career spanning over two decades, Prakash having the distinction in handling sizable and complex projects globally across IT and Non-IT industry. Entrepreneurial in outlook he has been associated with multiple start -ups and mid-size enterprise in various strategy and implementation roles on Idea formulation, business plan conception, technology implementation, product development and operation strategy ensuring seamless implementation, in the true spirit of the word, of the strategies conceived. In the past he has worked with conglomerates such as Accenture, Amazon, Fidelity, Aon, Hewitt and Mphasis Ltd.