List of Noun when use often commit mistakes

We often confused or they commit mistakes in the use of certain nouns.(A) Lecturership is wrong: lectureship...

Correct use of 'Across', 'Through' and 'Into'

A. 'Across' refers to moving from one side to another.Example:1. Mr. Sinha travelled across America on...

Subject-verb agreement rule with ' nor' and 'or'

A. Two singular nouns connected by or or nor take a singular verb.Example :1.Neither Ram nor Shayam was...

Use of 'Who’ and ‘whom’ in English Grammar

Who’ denotes the subject and ‘whom’ is used for the object?who: It’s the subject of a verb—e.g.,...

Use of ‘everybody’ ‘everyone’, ‘anybody’, and ‘each’ with pronoun

While using ‘everybody’ ‘everyone’, ‘anybody’, and ‘each’ the pronoun of the masculine...

Showing 1011 to 1015 of 3278 (656 Pages)


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