Use of Could (modal auxiliary verb)

"Could" का प्रयॊग अतीत की क्षमता (past ability), संभावना...

Use of CAN (modal auxiliary verb)

"Can" is one of the most commonly used modal verbs in English. यह क्षमता (ability), अवसर...

Phrasal verbs (to describe your day)

flesh out: विस्तार से वर्णन करना (describe in detail)I flesh out...

Sets of comparisons (उपमाएँ)

As fickle as weathercock -- वेथरकाक (वायु की दिशा को बताने...

Confusing Words (Pray -Prey)

Pray (verb) - Pray किसी देवता या पूजा की वस्तु को संबोधित...

Showing 2981 to 2985 of 3213 (643 Pages)


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