Correct use of Comparative adjectives in English Grammar

Correct use of Comparative adjectives in English Grammar

सही तरीके से तुलनात्मक विशेषणों का उपयोग करना

Comparative adjectives are used to compare two or more things in English. They help us describe the differences between two objects or people. It is important to use comparative adjectives correctly to convey the intended meaning. Here are some key concepts to keep in mind:

1. Formation: Comparative adjectives are formed by adding -er to the end of the adjective for short words, and by using "more" before the adjective for longer words. For example, "tall" becomes "taller" and "beautiful" becomes "more beautiful".

2. Comparison: When comparing two things, we use the word "than" after the comparative adjective. For example, "She is taller than her sister" or "This book is more interesting than that one".

3. Irregular adjectives: Some adjectives have irregular forms in the comparative degree. For example, "good" becomes "better" and "bad" becomes "worse".

उपयोग उदाहरण:

1. My house is bigger than yours. (मेरा घर तुम्हारे घर से बड़ा है।)
2. This car is more expensive than that one. (यह कार उससे अधिक महंगी है।)
3. She is smarter than her classmates. (वह अपने सहपाठियों से अधिक चतुर है।)

Key mistakes to avoid:

1. Using "more" with short adjectives: Instead of saying "more tall", we should say "taller".
2. Forgetting to use "than" after the comparative adjective.
3. Using the wrong form of irregular adjectives. For example, saying "gooder" instead of "better".

By understanding and practicing the correct use of comparative adjectives, you can improve your English language skills and effectively communicate the differences between objects or people. So, keep these key concepts in mind and practice using comparative adjectives in your conversations and writing.



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