Correct Use of ‘Do’ in Written and Spoken English

Correct Use of ‘Do’ in Written and Spoken English

स्वतंत्र और बोली जाने वाली अंग्रेजी में ‘Do’ का सही उपयोग

‘Do’ is a very common verb in English that is used in various ways. It is important to understand its correct usage in order to communicate effectively in both written and spoken English.

Key Concepts:
1. Auxiliary Verb: ‘Do’ is often used as an auxiliary verb to form questions and negative sentences in the present simple and past simple tenses.
Example: Do you like ice cream? (क्या आपको आइसक्रीम पसंद है?)
She doesn't play tennis. (वह टेनिस नहीं खेलती है)

2. Emphasis: ‘Do’ can be used to add emphasis to a sentence.
Example: I do love chocolate! (मुझे चॉकलेट सचमुच पसंद है!)

3. Replacement Verb: ‘Do’ can be used as a replacement verb when the main verb is already understood.
Example: I don't like coffee, but he does. (मुझे कॉफ़ी पसंद नहीं है, लेकिन उसे पसंद है)

Key Mistakes:
1. Using ‘do’ with modal verbs: Incorrect: I do can swim. Correct: I can swim. (मैं तैर सकता हूँ)

2. Using ‘do’ with the verb ‘to be’: Incorrect: I do am tired. Correct: I am tired. (मैं थका हुआ हूँ)

3. Using ‘do’ unnecessarily: Incorrect: Do you have any siblings? Correct: Have you got any siblings? (क्या आपके पास कोई भाई-बहन हैं?)

By understanding the correct use of ‘do’, you can improve your English language skills and avoid common mistakes. So, keep practicing and soon you will become fluent in English!



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