Correct Use of ‘WHICH’ in Written and Spoken English

Correct Use of ‘WHICH’ in Written and Spoken English

अंग्रेजी में ‘WHICH’ का सही उपयोग

‘Which’ is a common word in English that is used to ask questions or provide additional information about something. However, it is important to use ‘which’ correctly in both written and spoken English to avoid confusion.

‘Which’ is used when we have a limited number of choices or options. It is used to ask questions about specific things or to provide more details about a particular thing.

For example:
- Which book do you want to read? (तुम कौनसी किताब पढ़ना चाहते हो?)
- I bought a new car, which is red in color. (मैंने एक नई कार ख़रीदी है, जो लाल रंग की है।)

One common mistake is using ‘which’ instead of ‘that’ in defining relative clauses. ‘That’ is used to provide essential information about the noun, while ‘which’ is used to provide non-essential information.

For example:
- The book that I bought is very interesting. (मैंने वह किताब ख़रीदी है जो बहुत दिलचस्प है।)
- The book, which is on the table, is very interesting. (वह किताब, जो मेज़ पर है, बहुत दिलचस्प है।)

In summary, ‘which’ is used to ask questions or provide additional information about something when there are limited choices or options. It is important to use ‘which’ correctly to ensure clear communication in English.



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