Correct use of Relative Pronouns in English Grammar

Correct use of Relative Pronouns in English Grammar

सही तरीके से अभिलक्षण सर्वनाम का उपयोग करना

Relative pronouns are words that are used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun. They help provide additional information about the noun or pronoun. In English grammar, there are five main relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, and that.

Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses, which are dependent clauses that provide more information about the noun or pronoun they are connected to. These clauses can act as adjectives, describing the noun or pronoun.

Here are some examples of correct usage of relative pronouns:

1. The girl who is sitting next to me is my best friend.
वह लड़की जो मेरे पास बैठी है, मेरी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त है।

2. The book which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.
पुस्तक जिसे मैंने पुस्तकालय से उधार ली है, बहुत दिलचस्प है।

3. The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.
वह आदमी जिसकी कार चोरी हो गई थी, ने इसे पुलिस को दर्ज कराया।

Common mistakes to avoid when using relative pronouns:

1. Using "that" instead of "who" or "whom" when referring to people.
Incorrect: The teacher that is standing there is very strict.
Correct: The teacher who is standing there is very strict.

2. Using "which" instead of "that" when referring to objects.
Incorrect: The car which I bought last week is very fast.
Correct: The car that I bought last week is very fast.

By understanding and practicing the correct use of relative pronouns, you can improve your English grammar skills and communicate more effectively.



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