Demonstrative adjective in hindi

Demonstrative Adjectives in Hindi

Demonstrative adjectives are words that help us point out specific things or people. In English, we use words like "this," "that," "these," and "those." In Hindi, these words are translated as "यह" (yeh), "वह" (vah), "ये" (ye), and "वे" (ve).

Key Concepts and Their Translation in Hindi Language

1. This - यह (yeh) - Used for singular objects that are close.

2. That - वह (vah) - Used for singular objects that are far.

3. These - ये (ye) - Used for plural objects that are close.

4. Those - वे (ve) - Used for plural objects that are far.

Usage Examples and Their Translations

1. This book is interesting. - यह किताब दिलचस्प है।

2. That car is fast. - वह कार तेज है।

3. These apples are fresh. - ये सेब ताजे हैं।

4. Those houses are big. - वे घर बड़े हैं।

Key Mistakes

1. Confusing "this" and "that" - Remember, "this" is for things that are near, while "that" is for things that are far.

2. Mixing up "these" and "those" - Use "these" for nearby plural items and "those" for distant plural items.

3. Forgetting to match the adjective with the noun in gender and number in Hindi.

Understanding demonstrative adjectives can help you communicate more clearly in both English and Hindi!



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