How to use of 'this' and 'that' in sentence

Key Concepts and Their Translation in Hindi Language

In English, we use 'this' and 'that' to point to things.

'This' is used for something that is close to us. (यह हमारे करीब है)

'That' is used for something that is farther away. (यह हमसे दूर है)

Usage Examples and Translations

1. This is my book. (यह मेरी किताब है.)

2. That is your car. (वह आपकी कार है.)

3. This apple is red. (यह सेब लाल है.)

4. That tree is tall. (वह पेड़ लंबा है.)

Key Mistakes

1. Using 'this' for something far away: "This is the mountain." (यह पहाड़ है) - Incorrect if the mountain is far.

2. Using 'that' for something close: "That is my pen." (वह मेरी कलम है) - Incorrect if the pen is near.

3. Confusing 'this' and 'that' in questions: "Is this your house?" (क्या यह आपका घर है?) - Correct if the house is near.

Remember, use 'this' for nearby things and 'that' for things that are farther away!



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