शब्द समूह के लिए एक शब्द

A noisy and aggressive speech before a long gathering -- Harangue (उग्र, प्रभावशाली भाषण)
Things of different nature -- Heterogeneous (विजातिय, विविध प्रकार)
One who feels sympathetic towards human beings -- Humanitarian (मानवतावादी, परोपकारी)
One who pretends to be what he is not -- Hypocrite (पाखंडी, कपटी)
Incapable of being expressed in words -- Inexpressible (अवर्णनीय, अकथनीय)
Incapable of making a mistake, always effective -- Infallible (अचूक)
The act of killing an infant -- Infanticide (शिशुहत्या)
One who believes in total abolition of war -- Pacifist (शांतिवादी)



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