Shopping related words/ phrases-2

to pay the full price: पूरे पैसे एक बार में चुकाना (to pay the full amount for something)
to pick up a bargain: किसी चीज़ को उसके सामान्य कीमत से कम में खरीदना (to buy something much cheaper than the normal price)
to run up a credit card bill: credit card से पैसे चुकाना या लेना (to owe money on a credit card)
to shop around: to try different shops to find the best deal
to shop until you drop: बहुत सारी shopping करना (to do a lot of shopping)
to slash prices: कीमतों में बहुत ज्यादा कटौती होना (to reduce prices a great deal)
to snap up a bargain: सस्ते में बेची जा रही वस्तु को जल्दी से खरीदना (to buy something quickly that is being sold cheaply)
to try something on: कपड़ों को पहन कर देखना (to see if an item of clothing fits or is suitable)
to be value for money: बराबर मूल्य का/ उतने मूल्य लायक to be worth the cost
window shopping: दुकान जा कर सिर्फ चीज़ों को देखना, खरीदना नहीं (to visit a store to look at items without the intention of buying anything)



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