That is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. (यह एक बैरल में मछली का शिकार करने जितना आसान है।)
(like shooting fish in a barrel - ridiculously easy)
You can stand on that table, it’s solid as a rock. (आप उस मेज पर खड़े हो सकते हैं, यह एक चट्टान के रूप में ठोस है।)
Throughout the crisis she stayed as solid as a rock. (संकट के दौरान वह एक चट्टान के रूप में ठोस बनी रही।)
(as solid as a rock - very strong and not likely to break/ very reliable or calm)
The whole idea is as nutty as a fruitcake. (पूरा विचार एक फ्रूट केक की तरह मूर्खतापूर्ण है।)
(as nutty as a fruitcake - very silly or stupid)
Don’t just sit there like a bump on a log. (बस एक लकड़ी की गांठ की तरह वहाँ मत बैठो।)
(like a bump on a log - Unmoving, inactive, stupidly silent)
That went over like a lead balloon. (वह एक सीसा के गुब्बारे की तरह पूरी तरह असफल हो गया।)
(go over like a lead balloon - to fail completely)
They are as different as night and day. (वे रात और दिन के समान बिलकुल अलग है।)
(as different as night and day - completely different)