Asking about directions

How do I get to Hilton Hotel?मैं हिल्टन होटल तक कैसे पहुँच...

Expressions about Dislike

I don’t like...I don't like ice cream. (मुझे आइस क्रीम नहीं पसंद...

Subject verb agreement rule

कुछ subjects - as well as, along with, together with, with,in addition to, like, unlike, but, except,...

What is a Phrase?

ऐसे शब्दों का समहू जो complete meaning तो देता हो पर...

English sentences often used in anger

What the hell is going on here?Don’t argue with me.Don’t try to act too smart.I have had enough of...

Showing 1486 to 1490 of 3281 (657 Pages)


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