Key Learnings
Verb : conveyed //कन्वेड// [अवगत कराना]
Definition: To express a thought, feeling, or idea
Synonyms: Communicate, Intimate, Inform, Notify
Antonym: Refrain, Retain, Retract, Receive -
Verb : emphasized //एम्फसाइज़्ड// [ज़ोर देना]
Definition: To give special importance (to something) in speaking or writing
Synonyms: Highlight, Accentuate, Assert, Punctuate
Antonym: Ignore, Recant, Understate, Downplay -
Definition: To say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc. is wrong or false
Synonyms: Deny, Confute, Rebut, Negate
Antonym: Confirm, Certify, Admit, Avow -
Adjective : unsubstantiated //अन्सब्स्टैन्शीऐटिड// [निराधार]
Definition: Not supported or proven by facts and evidences
Synonyms: Baseless, Dubious, Uncorroborated, Debatable
Antonym: Valid, Genuine, Reasoned, Justified -
Definition: An action that breaks or acts against something, especially a law or an agreement
Synonyms: Breach, Infringement, Infraction, Contravention
Antonym: Abidance, Compliance, Observance, Allegiance