BJP government in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh

BJP government in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh

After a long electoral battle, the BJP finally emerged as a winner. Apart from winning the Gujarat Assembly elections for the sixth time consecutively, BJP also wrested power from Congress in HP with an almost two-thirds majority. Despite the victory, after getting a cut-throat competition from Congress in PM's home state, a big question has been raised on the BJP's preparations for the 2019 elections, which has made the party a little cautious.

एक लम्बी चुनावी लड़ाई के बाद, भाजपा अंततः एक विजेता के रूप में उभर कर आई।गुजरात विधानसभा चुनाव में लगातार छठी बार जीतने के अलावा, भाजपा ने हिमाचल प्रदेश में भी लगभग दो-तिहाई बहुमत के साथ कांग्रेस से सत्ता छीन ली। जीत के बावजूद, प्रधानमंत्री के गृह राज्य में कांग्रेस से कड़ी टक्कर मिलने के बाद, 2019 के चुनावों के लिए भाजपा की तैयारी पर एक बड़ा सवालिया निशान लग गया है, जिसने पार्टी को थोड़ा सतर्क कर दिया है।

Key Learnings

  • Adjective : cautious //कॉशस// [सतर्क]

    Definition: careful to avoid potential problems or dangers
    Synonyms: prudent, heedful, wary, watchful, alert, attentive
    Antonym: wary, reckless, heedless, impulsive, impetuous

  • Adverb : consecutively //कन्सेक्यटिव्ली// [लगातार]

    Definition: happening one after another, without an interruption
    Synonyms: continually, incessantly, successively, consistently, constantly
    Antonym: concurrently, simultaneously, alternately, coincidently

  • Adjective : cut-throat //कट्थ्रोट// [कड़ी (प्रतियोगिता)]

    Definition: a fierce and intense competition
    Synonyms: ruthless, aggressive, merciless, ferocious
    Antonym: ethical, merciful, peaceful, moral

  • Verb : emerged //इमर्ज्ड// [उभर कर आना]

    Definition: move out of or away from something and come into view
    Synonyms: arise, appear,come forth, come out
    Antonym: descend, disappear, vanish, flee

  • Verb : wrested //रेस्टिड// [छीन लेना]

    Definition: to get something with effort or difficulty
    Synonyms: snatch, seize, grab, yank,
    Antonym: give, insert, cede, instill



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