Key Learnings
Adverb : deliberately //डिलिबरट्ली// [जानबूझकर]
Definition: done on purpose
Synonyms: intentionally, purposely, designedly
Antonym: unknowingly, accidently -
Verb : evicting //इविक्टिंग// [बेदखल करना]
Definition: to force someone to leave somewhere
Synonyms: expel, oust, exclude, banish
Antonym: admit, include, welcome, accomodate -
Definition: giving a cause for alarm
Synonyms: serious, solemn, dire, ponderous
Antonym: silly, frivolous, trivial -
Verb : resort //रिज़ॉर्ट// [सहारा लेना]
Definition: turn to and adopt (a strategy or course of action, especially a disagreeable or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation
Synonyms: betake, fall back on, avail
Antonym: avoid, dodge