Daler Mehndi convicted in human trafficking case

Daler Mehndi convicted in human trafficking case

A Patiala court on Friday convicted Punjabi pop singer Daler Mehndi in a 15-year-old human trafficking case and sentenced him to two years in jail. Daler was, however, released on bail bond shortly after the decision came out. According to reports, Daler Mehndi and his brother Shamsher were accused of illegally sending people abroad by disguising them as members of the troupe. Patiala Police had even raided the offices of Daler Mehndi at Connaught Place in New Delhi and confiscated various documents as evidence.

पटियाला की एक अदालत ने शुक्रवार को 15 साल पुराने मानव तस्करी मामले में पंजाबी पॉप गायक दलेर मेहंदी को दोषी ठहराया और उसे जेल में दो साल की सज़ा सुनाई। हालांकि, दलेर को फैसले के कुछ ही देर बाद ज़मानत दे दी गयी । रिपोर्टों के मुताबिक, दलेर मेहंदी और उनके भाई शमशेर पर अपने ट्रूप के सदस्य के रूप में छिपाकर अवैध रूप से  लोगों को विदेश भेजने का आरोप है। पटियाला पुलिस ने नई दिल्ली के कनॉट प्लेस में दलेर मेहंदी के कार्यालयों पर छापा भी मारा और सबूत के रूप में विभिन्न दस्तावेजों को ज़ब्त किया।

Key Learnings

  • Verb : confiscated //कान्फस्कैटड// [ज़ब्त करना]

    Definition: to take a possession away from someone when you have the right to do so
    Synonyms: seize, impound, expropriate, sequestrate
    Antonym: give, offer, relinquish, deliver, render

  • Verb : convicted //कन्विक्टड// [दोषी ठहराना]

    Definition: to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime
    Synonyms: find guilty, charge, inculpate, incriminate,
    Antonym: acquit, absolve, exonerate, vindicate

  • Verb : disguising //डिस्गाइज़िंग// [छिपाना]

    Definition: to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form
    Synonyms: camouflage, conceal, cloak, guise
    Antonym: expose, unveil, divulge, disclose



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