Firing in Florida's school, 17 people killed

Firing in Florida's school, 17 people killed

A former student opened fire at a Florida high school on Wednesday. 17 people, including many students, were killed in this massacre. According to the report, the accused had set off the fire alarm before firing, so that a mayhem could break out in the school and more people could be targeted. The accused Nicholas Cruz, whose age is 19, has been apprehended by the police. Nicholas had been expelled from the school for disciplinary reasons.

फ्लोरिडा के एक हाई स्कूल में बुधवार को  एक पूर्व छात्र ने गोलीबारी कर दी। इस हत्याकांड में कई छात्रों सहित 17 लोगों की मौत हो गयी। रिपोर्ट के मताबिक, आरोपी ने फायरिंग से पहले फायर अलार्म बजाया था, ताकि स्कूल में अफरा-तफरी  मचे और ज्यादा लोगों को निशाना बनाया जा सके। आरोपी निकोलस क्रूज जिसकी उम्र 19 साल है, को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया है। निकोलस को अनुशासनात्मक कारणों से स्कूल से निष्कासित कर दिया गया था।

Key Learnings

  • Verb : apprehended //ऐप्रिहेन्डिड// [गिरफ़्तार करना]

    Definition: to catch and arrest someone who has not obeyed the law
    Synonyms: nab, arrest, catch, grasp
    Antonym: liberate, release, free

  • Verb : expelled //इक्स्पेल्ड// [निष्कासित करना]

    Definition: to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country
    Synonyms: evict, eject, oust, exclude
    Antonym: admit, welcome, appoint, permit

  • Noun : massacre //मैसकर// [हत्याकांड]

    Definition: an act of killing a lot of people
    Synonyms: slaughter, butchery, murder
    Antonym: salvation, protection, preervation

  • Noun : mayhem //मेहेम// [अफरा-तफरी]

    Definition: a situation in which there is little or no order or control
    Synonyms: chaos, havoc, bedlam, rumpus
    Antonym: calm, harmony, discipline, amity



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