I did not give any inflammatory speech: Jignesh Mewani

I did not give any inflammatory speech: Jignesh Mewani

Responding to the FIR filed against him, Gujarat MLA and Dalit leader, Jignesh Mevani, refuted allegations of inciting violence in Bhima Koregaon by saying that his speech was not inflammatory. Addressing a press conference, Mevani said, "Ask any constitutional expert to analyse my speech and find anything that is derogatory in it." 

अपने खिलाफ दर्ज की गई FIR का जवाब देते हुए, गुजरात के विधायक और दलित नेता, जिग्नेश मेवानी ने भीम कोरेगांव में हिंसा को उकसाने के आरोपों का खंडन करते हुए कहा कि उनका भाषण भड़काऊ नहीं था। एक प्रेस सम्मेलन को संबोधित करते हुए मेवानी ने कहा, "किसी भी संवैधानिक विशेषज्ञ से मेरे भाषण का विश्लेषण करने और उसमें कुछ भी अपमानजनक ढूंढने के लिए कहें।"

Key Learnings

  • Adjective : derogatory //डिरॉगटोरी// [अपमानजनक]

    Definition: showing strong disapproval and not showing respect
    Synonyms: insulting, defamatory, offensive, disparaging, degrading
    Antonym: appreciative, complimentary, flattering, approbatory

  • Verb : inciting //इन्साइटिंग// [उकसाना]

    Definition: to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent
    Synonyms: foment, stir up, instigate, kindle, ignite, trigger
    Antonym: deter, subdue, soothe, appease, settle down

  • Adjective : inflammatory //इन्फ्लैमटॉरी// [भड़काऊ]

    Definition: intended or likely to cause anger or hate
    Synonyms: provocative, incendiary, rousing, seditious, riotous
    Antonym: calming, conciliatory, mollifying, placating

  • Verb : refuted //रिफ्यूटिड// [खंडन करना]

    Definition: to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc. is wrong or false
    Synonyms: rebut, debunk, gainsay, negate, disclaim, rubbish
    Antonym: confirm, approve, certify, concede, acknowledge, assert



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