India bids adieu to Marshal of IAF Arjan Singh

India bids adieu to Marshal of IAF Arjan Singh

Hundreds of people, including Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and the three Service Chiefs, gave a dolorous farewell to Marshal of the Indian Air Force (IAF) Arjan Singh at Delhi's Brar Square. Nation's oldest serving military officer, Singh was entrusted with the responsibility of leading the IAF when he was only 44 years old, a task he carried out with elan.

रक्षा मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण और तीन सेवा प्रमुखों सहित सैकड़ों लोगों ने भारतीय वायुसेना (IAF) के मार्शल, अर्जन सिंह को दिल्ली के ब्रार स्क्वायर में शोकपूर्ण विदाई दी। देश के सबसे पुराने सैन्य अधिकारी, सिंह को केवल 44 वर्ष की उम्र के भारतीय वायुसेना के नेतृत्व की जिम्मेदारी सौंपी गई थी, जिस काम को उन्होंने भरपूर जोश के साथ किया।

Key Learnings

  • Adjective : dolorous //डाेलरस// [शोकपूर्ण]

    Definition: Expressing great sorrow or distress
    Synonyms: Mournful, Lachrymose, Dismal, Grievous
    Antonym: Joyous, Blithe, Merry, Elated

  • Noun : elan //ऐलान// [जोश]

    Definition: A combination of style and energetic confidence, especially in performances or manner
    Synonyms: Zest, Zeal, Gusto, verve
    Antonym: Lethargy, Ennui, Languor, Lassitude

  • Verb : entrusted //एन्ट्रस्टिड// [सौंपना]

    Definition: To give someone a thing or a duty for which they are responsible
    Synonyms: Assign, Delegate, Confer, Endow
    Antonym: Absolve, Deprive, Detain, Withhold



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