Key Learnings
Adjective : formidable //फॉर्मिडबल// [मज़बूत]
Definition: causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because that thing or person is large, powerful, or difficult
Synonyms: terrific, mighty, tremendous, monumental
Antonym: weak, feeble, trivial, facile -
Definition: being the first of its type
Synonyms: initial, inaugural, starting, debut
Antonym: latest, final, closing, concluding -
Adjective : relentless //रिलेन्टलस// [लगातार]
Definition: continuing in a severe or extreme way
Synonyms: inexorable, non-stop, unabating, incessant
Antonym: intermittent, merciful, easy, lenient -
Verb : thrashing //थ्रैशिंग// [बुरी तरह से हराना]
Definition: to defeat someone very easily in a game or sports competition
Synonyms: beat, whip, defeat, lambaste, clobber
Antonym: lose, forfeit, subdue