Key Learnings
Adjective : conscientious //कौन्शीएन्शस/कन्शीएन्शस// [ईमानदार]
Definition: The wish to do what is morally right
Synonyms: Sincere, Scrupulous, Veracious, Veridical
Antonym: Dishonest, Corrupt, Unjust, Immoral -
Definition: The act of putting something into action, especially to make something law
Synonyms: Approval, Imposition, Sanction, Legalisation
Antonym: Annulment, Dissolution, Abatement, -
Definition: Utterly bad and shocking act, especially a crime
Synonyms: Atrocious, Beastly, Horrid, Vile
Antonym: Endearing, Admirable, Adorable -
Definition: Something that is likely to cause harm
Synonyms: Peril, Crisis, Portent, Threat
Antonym: Safeguard, Haven, Refuge -
Noun : perpetrators //पर्पट्रैटर्स// [दोषी व्यक्ति]
Definition: Someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act
Synonyms: Offender, Culprit, Felon, Recidivist
Antonym: Innocent, Inculpable, Sinless, Clean-handed