U.S. suspends security aid to Pakistan

U.S. suspends security aid to Pakistan

The United States has suspended all security assistance given to Pakistan until Islamabad “takes decisive action against militant groups, including the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network.” American President Trump also made a public condemnation through a tweet in which he accused Pakistan of "lies and deceit." It is being reiterated that this move is not permanent and that it will not have any impact on civilian aid. 

अमेरिका ने पाकिस्तान को दी गयी सभी सुरक्षा सहायताओं को तब तक के लिए निलंबित कर दिया है जब तक इस्लामाबाद "अफगान तालिबान और हक्कानी नेटवर्क सहित आतंकवादी समूहों के खिलाफ निर्णायक कार्रवाई करता है।" अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प ने एक ट्वीट के ज़रिए सार्वजनिक निंदा करते हुए पाकिस्तान पर "झूठ और धोखे" का आरोप भी लगाया। यह बार बार दोहराया जा रहा है कि यह कदम स्थायी नहीं है और इसका नागरिक सहायता पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ेगा। 

Key Learnings

  • Noun : condemnation //कंडेमनेशन// [निंदा]

    Definition: the expression of very strong disapproval
    Synonyms: censure, criticism, denunciation, denouncemment
    Antonym: commendation, approval gratitude, acquittal

  • Noun : deceit //डिसीट// [धोखा]

    Definition: (an act of) keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage
    Synonyms: betrayal, fraud, sham, guile, trickery
    Antonym: honesty, truth, candour, truth, integrity

  • Adjective : decisive //डिसाइसिव// [निर्णायक]

    Definition: settling an issue; producing a definite result
    Synonyms: certain, conclusive, final, resolute
    Antonym: ambiguous, uncertain, dubious, irresolute

  • Verb : reiterated //रीइटरेटिड// [बार बार दोहराना]

    Definition: say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity
    Synonyms: repeat, restate, retell, recite
    Antonym: recant, conceal, take back, withhold



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