Key Learnings
Adjective : controversial //कान्ट्रवर्शल// [विवादास्पद]
Definition: causing or likely to cause disagreement
Synonyms: contentious, disputed, dubious, questionable, arguable
Antonym: certain, definite, sure, agreeable -
Noun : extradition //एक्स्ट्रडिशन// [प्रत्यर्पण]
Definition: to make someone return for trial to another country or state where they have been accused of doing something illegal
Synonyms: deportation, expulsion, banishment, expatriation
Antonym: resist -
Definition: relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme
Synonyms: profound, cardinal, primitive, deep-seated
Antonym: secondary, unimportant, unnatural, conservative, extrinsic