Lesson- कब हुआ? - Adverb of Time

Answer below question:
Question: हम कल फिल्म देखेंगे।

( A ). We will watch a movie tomorrow.

( B ). We will watch a movie today.

( C ). We will watch a movie yesterday.

( D ). We always watch a movie.

Answer: We will watch a movie tomorrow.

Answer below question:
Question: मैं कल दंत चिकित्सक के पास जा रहा हूँ।

( A ). I’m going to the dentist today.

( B ). I’m going to the dentist yesterday.

( C ). I’m going to the dentist tomorrow.

( D ). I’m going to the dentist now.

Answer: I’m going to the dentist tomorrow.

Answer below question:
Question: Have you seen him before?

( A ). before

( B ). seen

( C ). him

( D ). have

Answer: before
Explanation: क्या आपने उसे पहले देखा है ?

Answer below question:
Question: He will come tomorrow.

( A ). He

( B ). will

( C ). come

( D ). tomorrow

Answer: tomorrow
Explanation: वह कब आएगा? इसका (when का) उत्तर tomorrow (कल) शब्द देता है। इसलिए tomorrow adverb of time है।

Learn by TIPS:

Adverbs of Time हमें उस समय के विषय में बताता है जब कुछ हुआ हो या होने वाला हो। Adverbs of Time मुख्य रूप क्रियाओं को संशोधित करते हैं।ये शब्द "When?" का उत्तर देते हैं।

He came yesterday.

(When did he come? - yesterday)


ऊपर दिए गए वाक्य में bold और रेखांकित शब्द When (कब) का उत्तर दे रहे हैं।

Answer below question:
Question: I am visiting them today.

( A ). today

( B ). visiting

( C ). I

( D ). them

Answer: today
Explanation: मैं उनसे आज मिलने जा रहा हूँ।

Answer below question:
Question: क्या मैं अब जा सकता हूँ ?

( A ). May I leave then?

( B ). May I leave now?

( C ). May I leave today?

( D ). May I leave tomorrow?

Answer: May I leave now?

इस lesson में हम Adverb of Time सीखेंगे।
Adverb of Time से क्या अभिप्राय है?
जिन शब्दों से काम होने का समय पता चलें, उन्हें Adverb of Time कहते है। आओ विस्तार से देखें -

Answer below question:
Question: We are late today.

( A ). We

( B ). are

( C ). today

( D ). late

Answer: today
Explanation: हम आज देर से है।

Answer below question:
Question: मैंने कल सुबह उसे देखा।

( A ). I saw him today morning.

( B ). I saw him yesterday evening.

( C ). I saw him yesterday morning.

( D ). I seen him yesterday morning.

Answer: I saw him yesterday morning.

Answer below question:
Question: I will buy a computer tomorrow.

( A ). I

( B ). buy

( C ). tomorrow

( D ). computer

Answer: tomorrow
Explanation: मैं कल एक कंप्यूटर खरीदूँगा।

Learn by TIPS:

List of some of the Adverb of Time:

now, lately

then, few months ago

soon, last week

tomorrow, before

yesterday, soon







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कब हुआ? - Adverb of Time - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on कब हुआ? - Adverb of Time