Lesson- Active Passive Voice - 6 - Past Perfect Tense

Answer below question:
Question: The room __________ by maid.

( A ). had been not cleaned

( B ). had not been cleaned

( C ). has not been cleaned

Answer: had not been cleaned
Explanation: The room had not been cleaned by maid. कमरा नौकरानी द्वारा साफ नहीं किया जा चुका था।

Answer below question:
Question: A rose ___________ by my friend.

( A ). had been brought

( B ). had been bring

( C ). was brought

Answer: had been brought
Explanation: A rose had been brought by my friend. एक गुलाब मेरे दोस्त द्वारा लाया जा चुका था।

Answer below question:
Question: Had you kept your promise? (क्या आपने अपना वादा याद रखा था?)

( A ). Had been your promise kept by you?

( B ). Had kept your promise been by you?

( C ). Had your promise been kept by you?

( D ). Had your promise been keep by you?

Answer: Had your promise been kept by you?
Explanation: क्या आपका वादा आपके द्वारा याद रखा था?

Answer below question:
Question: Nihaal had wasted whole time. (निहाल सारा समय बर्बाद कर चुका था।)

( A ). Whole time had been wasted by Nihaal.

( B ). Whole time was wasted by Nihaal.

( C ). Whole time has been wasted by Nihaal.

( D ). Whole time had being wasted by Nihaal.

Answer: Whole time had been wasted by Nihaal.
Explanation: सारा समय निहाल द्वारा बर्बाद किया जा चुका था।

Answer below question:
Question: He had not fed the poor. (उसने गरीब को नहीं खिलाया था।)

( A ). The poor had been not fed by him.

( B ). The poor had not been fed by him.

( C ). The poor had not been feed by him.

( D ). The poor not been fed by him.

Answer: The poor had not been fed by him.
Explanation: गरीब उसके द्वारा नहीं खिलाये जा चुके थे।

Learn by TIPS:

Affirmative Sentences:

Active Voice: Subject had 3rd form of verb object

Passive Voice: Subject (Active voice का object) had been 3rd form of verb  by object (Active voice का subject)

eg. I had sold my car.  मैं अपनी कार बेच दिया था।

My car had been sold by me.  मेरी कार मेरे द्वारा बेची जा चुकी थी।

Negative Sentences

Active Voice: Subject had not 3rd form of verb object

Passive Voice: Subject (Active voice का object) had not been 3rd form of verb by object (Active voice का subject)

eg. I had not sold my car. मैं अपनी कार नहीं बेच चुका था।

My car had not been sold by me. मेरी कार मेरे द्वारा नहीं बेची जा चुकी थी।


Answer below question:
Question: Many dramas _______ by Kalidas.

( A ). had been wrote

( B ). had being written

( C ). had been written

Answer: had been written
Explanation: Many dramas had been written by Kalidas. कई नाटक कालिदास द्वारा लिखे जा चुके थे।

Answer below question:
Question: They had sold their house. (वे अपने घर बेच चुके थे।)

( A ). Their house was been sold by them.

( B ). Their house had being sold by them.

( C ). Their house has been sold by them.

( D ). Their house had been sold by them.

Answer: Their house had been sold by them.
Explanation: उनका घर उनके द्वारा बेचा जा चुका था।

Learn by TIPS:

Interrogative Sentences

Active Voice: Had subject 3rd form of verb object?

Passive Voice: Had subject (Active voice का object) been 3rd form of verb  by object (Active voice का subject)?

eg. Had I sold my car? क्या मैं अपनी कार बेच दिया था?

Had my car been sold by me? क्या मेरी कार मेरे द्वारा बेची जा चुकी थी?

Wh- word sentences

Active Voice: Wh- word had subject 3rd form of verb object?

Passive Voice: Wh- word had subject (Active voice का object) been 3rd form of verb  by object (Active voice का subject)?

eg. Why had you sold the car? आपने कार क्यों बेच दिया था?

Why had the car been sold by you? कार आपके द्वारा क्यों बेची जा चुकी थी?

याद रखें :

Present Perfect Tense के वाक्यों का Passive Voice बनाते समय been (additional word) और verb की 3rd form का प्रयोग होता है।

Answer below question:
Question: Who had used my pen? (किसने मेरी कलम का इस्तेमाल किया था?)

( A ). By who had my pen been used?

( B ). By whom my pen had been used?

( C ). By whom had my pen been used?

( D ). By whom was my pen been used?

Answer: By whom had my pen been used?
Explanation: किसके द्वारा मेरी कलम का इस्तेमाल किया जा चुका था?

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Active Passive Voice - 6 - Past Perfect Tense - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Active Passive Voice - 6 - Past Perfect Tense