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occasionally (कभी कभी - 30% frequency)
seldom (शायद ही - 10% frequency)
hardly (शायद ही, लगभग ना के बराबर - 5% frequency)
never (कभी नहीं - 0% frequency)
Answer below question:
Question: वे मुझे देख कर कभी भी खुश नहीं होते।
( A ). They are always pleased to see me.
( B ). They are never pleased to see me.
( C ). They are sometimes pleased to see me.
( D ). They are hardly ever pleased to see me.
Answer below question:
Question: वह शायद ही कभी जानवरों के लिए निर्दयी होगा।
( A ). He would hardly ever be unkind to animals.
( B ). He would never be unkind to animals.
( C ). He would sometimes be unkind to animals.
( D ). He would always be unkind to animals.
Answer below question:
Question: वे एक दूसरे को फिर कभी नहीं देख सकते।
( A ). They may never see each other again.
( B ). They may seldom see each other again.
( C ). They may rarely see each other again.
( D ). They may occasionally see each other again.
Answer below question:
Question: मैं शायद ही कभी अखबार पढता हूँ ।
( A ). I never read the newspaper.
( B ). I sometimes read the newspaper.
( C ). I seldom read the newspaper.
( D ). I always read the newspaper.
Answer below question:
Question: हम समुद्र में कभी नहीं तैरते।
( A ). We sometimes swim in the sea.
( B ). We never swim in the sea.
( C ). We seldom swim in the sea.
( D ). We rarely swim in the sea.
Teacher | Student |
हमने पिछले लेसन में Adverb of Frequency के सकारात्मक शब्द सीखें थे। इस लेसन में हम कुछ नकारात्मक शब्दों को सीखेंगे। | |
ऐसे शब्द कौन से होते है और किस तरह इनका प्रयोग होता है? | |
इनका प्रयोग हम कुछ उदाहरण के द्वारा सीखते है। |
Answer below question:
Question: वह कभी 'धन्यवाद' नहीं कहता।
( A ). He normally says 'thank you'.
( B ). He never says 'thank you'.
( C ). He often says 'thank you'.
( D ). He seldom says 'thank you'.
Answer below question:
Question: मेरे पिता शायद ही कभी शराब पीते है।
( A ). My father never drinks alcohol.
( B ). My father sometimes drinks alcohol.
( C ). My father occasionally drinks alcohol.
( D ). My father hardly ever drinks alcohol.
Learn by TIPS:
She goes out occasionally.
- इस वाक्य में occasionally (कभी-कभी ) हमें “कितनी बार वह बाहर चली जाती है?”- बताता है।
I seldom read the newspaper.
- इस वाक्य में seldom (शायद ही) हमें “कितनी बार मैं अखबार पढ़ा?”- बताता है।
Answer below question:
Question: प्रीतीश कभी कभी जंक फूड खता है।
( A ). Pritish occasionally eats junk food.
( B ). Pritish never eats junk food.
( C ). Pritish rarely eats junk food.
( D ). Pritish always eats junk food.
Adverb of frequency - 2 - occasionally, seldom, hardly, never, rarely - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Adverb of frequency - 2 - occasionally, seldom, hardly, never, rarely