Lesson- Adverb of frequency - 2 - occasionally, seldom, hardly, never, rarely

Learn by TIPS:

occasionally (कभी कभी - 30% frequency)

seldom (शायद ही - 10% frequency)

hardly (शायद ही, लगभग ना के बराबर  - 5% frequency)

never (कभी नहीं - 0% frequency)

Answer below question:
Question: वे मुझे देख कर कभी भी खुश नहीं होते।

( A ). They are always pleased to see me.

( B ). They are never pleased to see me.

( C ). They are sometimes pleased to see me.

( D ). They are hardly ever pleased to see me.

Answer: They are never pleased to see me.

Answer below question:
Question: वह शायद ही कभी जानवरों के लिए निर्दयी होगा।

( A ). He would hardly ever be unkind to animals.

( B ). He would never be unkind to animals.

( C ). He would sometimes be unkind to animals.

( D ). He would always be unkind to animals.

Answer: He would hardly ever be unkind to animals.

Answer below question:
Question: वे एक दूसरे को फिर कभी नहीं देख सकते।

( A ). They may never see each other again.

( B ). They may seldom see each other again.

( C ). They may rarely see each other again.

( D ). They may occasionally see each other again.

Answer: They may never see each other again.

Answer below question:
Question: मैं शायद ही कभी अखबार पढता हूँ ।

( A ). I never read the newspaper.

( B ). I sometimes read the newspaper.

( C ). I seldom read the newspaper.

( D ). I always read the newspaper.

Answer: I seldom read the newspaper.

Answer below question:
Question: हम समुद्र में कभी नहीं तैरते।

( A ). We sometimes swim in the sea.

( B ). We never swim in the sea.

( C ). We seldom swim in the sea.

( D ). We rarely swim in the sea.

Answer: We never swim in the sea.

हमने पिछले लेसन में Adverb of Frequency के सकारात्मक शब्द सीखें थे। इस लेसन में हम कुछ नकारात्मक शब्दों को सीखेंगे।
ऐसे शब्द कौन से होते है और किस तरह इनका प्रयोग होता है?
इनका प्रयोग हम कुछ उदाहरण के द्वारा सीखते है।

Answer below question:
Question: वह कभी 'धन्यवाद' नहीं कहता।

( A ). He normally says 'thank you'.

( B ). He never says 'thank you'.

( C ). He often says 'thank you'.

( D ). He seldom says 'thank you'.

Answer: He never says 'thank you'.

Answer below question:
Question: मेरे पिता शायद ही कभी शराब पीते है।

( A ). My father never drinks alcohol.

( B ). My father sometimes drinks alcohol.

( C ). My father occasionally drinks alcohol.

( D ). My father hardly ever drinks alcohol.

Answer: My father hardly ever drinks alcohol.

Learn by TIPS:

She goes out occasionally.

- इस वाक्य में occasionally (कभी-कभी ) हमें “कितनी बार वह बाहर चली जाती है?”- बताता है।

I seldom read the newspaper.

- इस वाक्य में seldom (शायद ही) हमें “कितनी बार मैं अखबार पढ़ा?”- बताता है।

Answer below question:
Question: प्रीतीश कभी कभी जंक फूड खता है।

( A ). Pritish occasionally eats junk food.

( B ). Pritish never eats junk food.

( C ). Pritish rarely eats junk food.

( D ). Pritish always eats junk food.

Answer: Pritish occasionally eats junk food.

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Adverb of frequency - 2 - occasionally, seldom, hardly, never, rarely - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Adverb of frequency - 2 - occasionally, seldom, hardly, never, rarely