Lesson- Coordinating Conjunction - 2 - yet, so, for, nor

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so – किसी का परिणाम दिखाने के लिए

He was very hungry, so he ate all the cake. (उसे बहुत भूख लगी थी, तो उसने केक खा लिया।)

for –  कारण या उद्देश्य बताते हैं ("because" की तरह- less formal)

He’s overweight, for he eats too many cakes and biscuits. (उसका वज़न अधिक है क्यूंकि वह बहुत केक और बिस्कुट खाता है।)

yet – विपरीत विचारों को व्यक्त करता है - इसके विपरीत [synonyms = nevertheless, but still]

He’s overweight, yet he eats cakes and biscuits. (उसका अधिक वजन है, फिर भी वह केक और बिस्कुट खाता है।)

nor - पहले से दिए गए नकारात्मक विचार को व्यक्त करने के लिए nor का प्रयोग करते है।

They do not gamble, nor do they smoke.(वे न तो जुआ खेलते है न ही धूम्रपान करते है।)

Answer below question:
Question: रीना हर दिन चलती है, क्यूंकि वह फिट रहना चाहती है।

( A ). Reena walks every day, so she wants to be fit.

( B ). Reena walks every day, nor she wants to be fit.

( C ). Reena walks every day, for she wants to be fit.

( D ). Reena walks every day, yet she wants to be fit.

Answer: Reena walks every day, for she wants to be fit.

Answer below question:
Question: वे जुआ खेलते है, फिर भी धूम्रपान नहीं करते।

( A ). They gamble, so they don't smoke.

( B ). They gamble, nor they don't smoke.

( C ). They gamble, for they don't smoke.

( D ). They gamble, yet they don't smoke.

Answer: They gamble, yet they don't smoke.

Answer below question:
Question: मैं न ही ताजी हवा के लिए और न ही पक्षियों के लिए जाता हूँ।

( A ). I don’t go for the fresh air yet for the birds.

( B ). I don’t go for the fresh air nor for the birds.

( C ). I don’t go for the fresh air but for the birds.

( D ). I don’t go for the fresh air so for the birds.

Answer: I don’t go for the fresh air nor for the birds.

Answer below question:
Question: वह ईमानदार है, इसलिए उसपर सब विश्वास करते है।

( A ). She is honest, nor everyone trusts her.

( B ). She is honest, for everyone trusts her.

( C ). She is honest, so everyone trusts her.

( D ). She is honest, yet everyone trusts her.

Answer: She is honest, so everyone trusts her.

Answer below question:
Question: मैं हर रविवार पार्क जाता हूँ, क्यूंकि मुझे पक्षियों को देखना पसंद है।

( A ). I go to the park every Sunday, for I like to watch the birds.

( B ). I go to the park every Sunday, so I like to watch the birds.

( C ). I go to the park every Sunday, yet I like to watch the birds.

( D ). I go to the park every Sunday, nor I like to watch the birds.

Answer: I go to the park every Sunday, for I like to watch the birds.

Answer below question:
Question: प्रशंसक हीना को देखना पसंद करते है, क्यूंकि वह खूबसूरती से नृत्य करती है।

( A ). Fans like to watch Heena, for she dances beautifully.

( B ). Fans like to watch Heena, yet she dances beautifully.

( C ). Fans like to watch Heena, so she dances beautifully.

( D ). Fans like to watch Heena, nor she dances beautifully.

Answer: Fans like to watch Heena, for she dances beautifully.

Answer below question:
Question: लता नहीं जा सकी, क्यूंकि वह थकी हुई थी।

( A ). Lata couldn't go, for she was tired.

( B ). Lata couldn't go, so she was tired.

( C ). Lata couldn't go, yet she was tired.

( D ). Lata couldn't go, nor she was tired.

Answer: Lata couldn't go, for she was tired.

Answer below question:
Question: मुझे चॉकलेट पसंद है, फिर भी मैं चॉकलेट आइसक्रीम नहीं खाती।

( A ). I like chocolate, nor I do not eat chocolate ice cream.

( B ). I like chocolate, so I do not eat chocolate ice cream.

( C ). I like chocolate, yet I do not eat chocolate ice cream.

( D ). I like chocolate, for I do not eat chocolate ice cream.

Answer: I like chocolate, yet I do not eat chocolate ice cream.

Answer below question:
Question: उसने नृत्य का सबक नहीं लिया है, और न ही उसे जरूरत है।

( A ). She hasn't taken dance lessons, yet does she need to.

( B ). She hasn't taken dance lessons, nor does she need to.

( C ). She hasn't taken dance lessons, so does she need to.

( D ). She hasn't taken dance lessons, for does she need to.

Answer: She hasn't taken dance lessons, nor does she need to.

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Coordinating Conjunction - 2 - yet, so, for, nor - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Coordinating Conjunction - 2 - yet, so, for, nor