Lesson- Future Perfect Tense - 1 - नकारात्मक वाक्य

Answer below question:
Question: मैं इतनी भूख महसूस नहीं कर रहा होऊँगा ।

( A ). I will have not felt so hungry.

( B ). I will not have felt so hungry.

( C ). I will not have feel so hungry.

( D ). I will not felt have so hungry.

Answer: I will not have felt so hungry.

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Future Perfect Tense के नकारात्मक वाक्य में 'not' को 'will/shall' और 'have' के बीच में लगाते है । 'will/shall not have' के बाद verb (3rd form) लगाते हैं ।

Subject Will/Shall Not Have Verb (3rd form) Object (.)

Dog will not have barked at him. (कुत्ता उस पर नही भौंका होगा।)

अगर वाक्य में दो क्रियाएँ हो तो not का प्रयोग बाद में किये जाने वाले कार्य के साथ होगा अर्थात Future perfect tense ('will/shall' और 'have' के बीच में) के साथ लगाते है और जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो, उसे बताने के लिए Simple Present Tense का प्रयोग करते है।

eg. She will not have written the letter before Tanu comes. (तनु के आने से पहले वह पत्र नहीं लिख चुकी होगी।)

Answer below question:
Question: शो 6:00 बजे तक खत्म नहीं हुआ होगा।

( A ). The show shall not have finished by 6 o'clock.

( B ). The show will not have finished by 6 o'clock.

( C ). The show will not had finished by 6 o'clock.

( D ). The show will not have finishing by 6 o'clock.

Answer: The show will not have finished by 6 o'clock.

Answer below question:
Question: The boys _______ to their school.

( A ). will not have gone

( B ). will have gone not

( C ). will gone have not

Answer: will not have gone
Explanation: लड़के अपने स्कूल नहीं जा चुके होंगे।

Answer below question:
Question: वह अपनी प्रतिज्ञा सोमवार तक नहीं रख चुका होगा।

( A ). He will not have kept his pledge by Monday.

( B ). He will not has kept his pledge by Monday.

( C ). He will not have keep his pledge by Monday.

( D ). He will not have kept his pledge by Tuesday.

Answer: He will not have kept his pledge by Monday.

Answer below question:
Question: सोने से पहले बच्चे ने दूध नहीं पिया होगा।

( A ). The child will have drunk milk before he sleeps.

( B ). The child will not have drinking milk before he sleeps.

( C ). The child will not have drunk milk before he sleeps.

( D ). The child will not have drunk milk after he sleeps.

Answer: The child will not have drunk milk before he sleeps.

Answer below question:
Question: She ___________ the beauty contest by December.

( A ). will not have won

( B ). will have not won

( C ). will not have win

Answer: will not have won
Explanation: उसने दिसंबर तक सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिता नहीं जीता होगा।

Answer below question:
Question: I _______ this book by Monday.

( A ). shall have not finish

( B ). shall have not finishing

( C ). shall not have finished

Answer: shall not have finished
Explanation: मैं सोमवार तक इस किताब को नहीं पढ़ चुका होऊँगा।

Answer below question:
Question: Shyam ________.

( A ). will not have go

( B ). will not have gone

( C ). will not have went

Answer: will not have gone
Explanation: श्याम नहीं गया होगा।

Answer below question:
Question: वे अपने आवेदन पत्र प्रस्तुत नहीं कर चुके होंगे।

( A ). They shall not have submitted their applications.

( B ). They will have not submitted their applications.

( C ). They will not has submitting their applications.

( D ). They will not have submitted their applications.

Answer: They will not have submitted their applications.

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Future Perfect Tense - 1 - नकारात्मक वाक्य - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Future Perfect Tense - 1 - नकारात्मक वाक्य