Lesson- Future Perfect Tense - 2 - प्रश्नात्मक वाक्य

Learn by TIPS:

Will the boys have played the match before it is seven? (क्या सात बजने से पहले लड़के मैच खेल चुके होंगे?)

Shall we not have taken the tickets before the train arrives? (क्या गाड़ी के आने से पहले हम टिकट नहीं ले चुके होंगे?)


Where will he have gone before it rains?  (वर्षा होने से पहले वह कहाँ जा चुका होगा?)


प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों में यदि 'क्या' वाक्य में सबसे पहले आये, तो will या shall को subject से पहले लिखते हैं फिर have  3rd Form of Verb का प्रयोग करते है।(वाक्य - 1)  --> Will/Shall subject have verb (3rd form) object (?)


Interrogative negative sentences में subject के बाद not लगा देते हैं । (वाक्य - 2) --> Will/Shall subject not have verb (3rd form) object (?)

अगर वाक्य के बीच प्रश्नवाचक शब्द हो तो सबसे पहले उसकी अंग्रेजी फिर will या shall फिर subject फिर have और फिर 3rd Form of Verb आती है।(वाक्य - 3) --> Wh - word will/ shall subject have verb (3rd form) object (?)



Answer below question:
Question: क्या उसके शामिल होने के आदेश जून तक आ चुके होंगे?

( A ). Will the order of her joining have come by June?

( B ). Will the orders of her joining have come by June?

( C ). Will have the order of her joining come by June?

( D ). Will the order of her join have come by June?

Answer: Will the order of her joining have come by June?

Answer below question:
Question: वे फिर क्या निर्णय ले चुके होंगे?

( A ). What they will have decided by then?

( B ). What will they have decided by then?

( C ). What will they has decide by then?

( D ). What will have they decided by now?

Answer: What will they have decided by then?

Answer below question:
Question: क्या वे इस जगह को बहुत जल्द ही छोड़ चुके होंगे?

( A ). Will have they left this place very soon?

( B ). Will they have left this place very soon?

( C ). Shall they have leave this place very soon?

( D ). Will they have leaving that place very soon?

Answer: Will they have left this place very soon?

Answer below question:
Question: क्या हम दो महीने में इंग्लिश नही सीख चुके होंगे?

( A ). Shall we have not learnt English within two months?

( B ). Shall we not have learn English within two months?

( C ). Shall we not have learnt English within two months?

( D ). Shall we not have learnt English within six months?

Answer: Shall we not have learnt English within two months?

Answer below question:
Question: वर्षा होने से पहले वे कहाँ जा चुके होंगे?

( A ). Where will have they gone before it rains?

( B ). How will they have gone before it rains?

( C ). Where they will have gone before it rains?

( D ). Where will they have gone before it rains?

Answer: Where will they have gone before it rains?

Answer below question:
Question: टीचर के आने से पहले कौन तुम्हे दंड दे चुका होगा ?

( A ). Why will have punished you before the teacher comes?

( B ). Who have you will punished before the teacher comes?

( C ). Who will have punished you before the teacher comes?

( D ). Who will have punish you before the teacher came?

Answer: Who will have punished you before the teacher comes?

Answer below question:
Question: क्या उसने अपने पैसे निकाल लिए होंगे?

( A ). Will she have withdrawn his money?

( B ). Will have she withdrawn her money?

( C ). Shall she have withdrawn her money?

( D ). Will she have withdrawn her money?

Answer: Will she have withdrawn her money?

Answer below question:
Question: क्या वह ताजमहल देखने आगरा जा चुकी होगी?

( A ). Will she have gone to Agra to see Taj mahal?

( B ). Will she has gone to Agra to see Taj mahal?

( C ). Will she have go to Agra to see Taj mahal?

( D ). Will she have went to Agra to see Taj mahal?

Answer: Will she have gone to Agra to see Taj mahal?

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Future Perfect Tense - 2 - प्रश्नात्मक वाक्य - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Future Perfect Tense - 2 - प्रश्नात्मक वाक्य