Answer below question:
Question: The doctor said to me, “Take medicine in time.” (डॉक्टर ने मुझ से कहा, "समय में दवा ले लो।")
( A ). The doctor warned me to take medicine in time.
( B ). The doctor advised me to take medicine in time.
( C ). The doctor commanded me to take medicine in time.
( D ). The doctor advised me to took medicine in time.
Answer below question:
Question: Rohit said to Reena, “Please give me a pen.” (रोहित ने रीना से कहा, "कृप्या मुझे एक कलम दे दीजिए।")
( A ). Rohit ordered Reena to give him a pen.
( B ). Rohit requested Reena to gave him a pen.
( C ). Rohit requested Reena to give him a pen.
( D ). Rohit requested Reena that give him a pen.
Learn by TIPS:
Answer below question:
Question: The teacher said to Mukul, "Stand up on the bench." (अध्यापक ने मुकुल से कहा, "बेंच पर खड़े हो जाओ।")
( A ). The teacher said Mukul to stand up on the bench.
( B ). The teacher ordered Mukul if stand up on the bench.
( C ). The teacher ordered Mukul to stand up on the bench.
( D ). The teacher ordered Mukul that stand up on the bench.
Answer below question:
Question: My mother said to me, "Switch off the fan?” (मेरी माँ ने मुझसे कहा, "पंखा बंद कर दो, करोगे क्या?)
( A ). My mother asked me to switch off the fan.
( B ). My mother asked me that switch off the fan.
( C ). My mother asked me if switch off the fan.
( D ). My mother asked me whether switch off the fan.
Answer below question:
Question: The owner said to the boys, "Don't make a noise." (मालिक ने लड़कों से कहा, "शोर मत करो।")
( A ). The owner asked the boys to not to make noise.
( B ). The owner asked the boys not to make noise.
( C ). The owner asked the boys not to made noise.
( D ). The owner asked the boys that not to make noise.
Answer below question:
Question: I said to me servant, “Go to market.” (मैंने अपने नौकर से कहा, "बाजार जाओ। ")
( A ). I ordered my servant if go to market.
( B ). I requested my servant to go to market.
( C ). I warned my servant to go to market.
( D ). I ordered my servant to go to market.
Answer below question:
Question: He said, "Do not forget the address." (उन्होंने कहा, "पता मत भूलना।")
( A ). He reminded not to forgotten the address.
( B ). He reminded do not to forget the address.
( C ). He reminded to not forget the address.
( D ). He reminded not to forget the address.
Answer below question:
Question: He said to me, “Bring a glass of water.” (उन्होंने मुझ से कहा, "एक गिलास पानी ले आओ।")
( A ). He ordered me to brought a glass of water.
( B ). He ordered me to bringing a glass of water.
( C ). He ordered me to bring a glass of water.
( D ). He ordered me that to bring a glass of water.
Indirect Speech of Imperative Sentences - Imperative sentences - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Indirect Speech of Imperative Sentences - Imperative sentences