Answer below question:
Question: क्या आज मौसम अच्छा नही है?
( A ). Is it not fine today?
( B ). Is it fine not today?
( C ). Won't it not fine today?
( D ). Is not it fine that day?
Answer below question:
Question: यह पुस्तक बहुत रुचिकर है। यह बहुत कीमती है।
( A ). This book is very interesting. That is very costly.
( B ). This book is very interesting. It is very costly.
( C ). This book is very interesting. There is very costly.
( D ). This book was very interesting. It is very cheap.
Learn by TIPS:
It is a snake. (यह साँप है।)
It was a dark night. (वह अंधेरी रात थी।)
It is possible that he may come. (इसकी संभावना है की वह आ सकता है।)
It is the season, when you can enjoy mango. (यह वह सीज़न है जब तुम आम का आनंद ले सकते हो।)
दिए गए सभी वाक्यो में It का प्रयोग एक Introductory word की तरह हुआ है। आमतौर पर 'It' का अर्थ 'यह' होता है परंतु It का प्रयोग Subject के ना होने पर परिचय शब्द (introductory word) के रूप में किया जाता है ।
Answer below question:
Question: इसकी संभावना है कि वह आ सकता है ।
( A ). It is possible that he may come.
( B ). It is possible that he might come.
( C ). There is possible that he may come.
( D ). It is possibility that he may come.
Answer below question:
Question: तीन बजे है।
( A ). There is three o'clock.
( B ). It is three o'clock.
( C ). Its three o'clock.
( D ). It is four o'clock.
Answer below question:
Question: यह मैं था जिसने तुम्हें उसके रिज़ल्ट के बारे में बताया।
( A ). It was I, who told you about his result.
( B ). Here was I, who told you about his result.
( C ). It was me, who told your about his result.
( D ). It is I, who tell you about his result.
Answer below question:
Question: यह बिल्ली है।
( A ). There is a cat.
( B ). It is a cat.
( C ). It was a cat.
( D ). Its a cat.
Answer below question:
Question: मैं हूँ, आपका पड़ोसी।
( A ). It's me, your neighbour.
( B ). It's you, your neighbour.
( C ). It's me, your friend.
( D ). That's me, your neighbour.
Answer below question:
Question: जब उसने बच्चे को देखा, वह सो रहा था।
( A ). When he saw the child, she was sleeping.
( B ). When he saw the child, he was sleeping.
( C ). When he saw the child, it was sleeping.
( D ). When he saw the child, they was sleeping.
Answer below question:
Question: 11 नवंबर था।
( A ). It is 11th November.
( B ). It was 11th December.
( C ). There was 11th November.
( D ). It was 11th November.
It का प्रयोग सीखें - Use of It - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on It का प्रयोग सीखें - Use of It