Answer below question:
Question: कक्षा में चार लड़कियां हैं।
( A ). There is four girls in the class.
( B ). There am four girls in the class.
( C ). There are four girls in the class.
Answer below question:
Question: I _________ a student.
( A ). is
( B ). am
( C ). are
Learn by TIPS:
Uses | Short Form |
I - am |
I'm |
You - are |
You're |
He - is |
He's |
She - is |
She's |
It - is |
It's |
We - are |
We're |
You - are |
You're |
They - are |
They're |
Answer below question:
Question: वे कुर्सियों पर बैठी हैं।
( A ). They is sitting on the chairs.
( B ). They am sitting on the chairs.
( C ). They are sitting on the chairs.
Answer below question:
Question: The pupils ____ at school.
( A ). is
( B ). am
( C ). are
Answer below question:
Question: वह लिख रही है।
( A ). She is writing.
( B ). She am writing.
( C ). She are writing.
Answer below question:
Question: खिड़की बंद है ।
( A ). The window is closed.
( B ). The window are closed.
( C ). The window am closed.
Answer below question:
Question: Today ____ Thursday.
( A ). is
( B ). am
( C ). are
Answer below question:
Question: वहां तीन डेस्क और छह कुर्सियाँ है।
( A ). There is three desks and six chairs.
( B ). There am three desks and six chairs.
( C ). There are three desks and six chairs.
Answer below question:
Question: केवल एक लड़की फर्श पर बैठी है।
( A ). Only one girl is sitting on the floor.
( B ). Only one girl am sitting on the floor.
( C ). Only one girl are sitting on the floor.
Answer below question:
Question: I ____ in the school.
( A ). is
( B ). am
( C ). are
Answer below question:
Question: उनकी कक्षा बड़ी और अच्छी है।
( A ). Their classroom is big and nice.
( B ). Their classroom am big and nice.
( C ). Their classroom are big and nice.
Teacher | Student |
आज एक कहानी पूरी करते हैं। | |
पर कैसे ?कुछ मदद तो करें। | |
इन सभी रिक्त स्थानो में is, am, are का ही प्रयोग करना है। | |
तो पहले is, am, are का प्रयोग सीखते हैं। | |
बिलकुल। एकवचन के साथ is का और बहुवचन के साथ are का प्रयोग होता है। I के साथ हमेशा am का प्रयोग होता है। |
कक्षा का विवरण दे - Learn is, am, are - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on कक्षा का विवरण दे - Learn is, am, are