Lesson- कक्षा का विवरण दे - Learn is, am, are

Answer below question:
Question: कक्षा में चार लड़कियां हैं।

( A ). There is four girls in the class.

( B ). There am four girls in the class.

( C ). There are four girls in the class.

Answer: There are four girls in the class.

Answer below question:
Question: I _________ a student.

( A ). is

( B ). am

( C ). are

Answer: am
Explanation: I am a student. इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - मैं एक विद्यार्थी हूँ।I के साथ am का प्रयोग होता है

Learn by TIPS:

Uses  Short Form
I - am


You - are


He - is


She - is


It - is


We - are


You - are


They - are


Answer below question:
Question: वे कुर्सियों पर बैठी हैं।

( A ). They is sitting on the chairs.

( B ). They am sitting on the chairs.

( C ). They are sitting on the chairs.

Answer: They are sitting on the chairs.

Answer below question:
Question: The pupils ____ at school.

( A ). is

( B ). am

( C ). are

Answer: are
Explanation: The pupils are at school. इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - विद्यार्थी स्कूल में है।

Answer below question:
Question: वह लिख रही है।

( A ). She is writing.

( B ). She am writing.

( C ). She are writing.

Answer: She is writing.

Answer below question:
Question: खिड़की बंद है ।

( A ). The window is closed.

( B ). The window are closed.

( C ). The window am closed.

Answer: The window is closed.

Answer below question:
Question: Today ____ Thursday.

( A ). is

( B ). am

( C ). are

Answer: is
Explanation: Today is Thursday. इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - आज गुरुवार है।

Answer below question:
Question: वहां तीन डेस्क और छह कुर्सियाँ है।

( A ). There is three desks and six chairs.

( B ). There am three desks and six chairs.

( C ). There are three desks and six chairs.

Answer: There are three desks and six chairs.

Answer below question:
Question: केवल एक लड़की फर्श पर बैठी है।

( A ). Only one girl is sitting on the floor.

( B ). Only one girl am sitting on the floor.

( C ). Only one girl are sitting on the floor.

Answer: Only one girl is sitting on the floor.

Answer below question:
Question: I ____ in the school.

( A ). is

( B ). am

( C ). are

Answer: am
Explanation: I am in the school. इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - मैं स्कूल में हूँ।

Answer below question:
Question: उनकी कक्षा बड़ी और अच्छी है।

( A ). Their classroom is big and nice.

( B ). Their classroom am big and nice.

( C ). Their classroom are big and nice.

Answer: Their classroom is big and nice.

आज एक कहानी पूरी करते हैं।
पर कैसे ?कुछ मदद तो करें।
इन सभी रिक्त स्थानो में is, am, are का ही प्रयोग करना है।
तो पहले is, am, are का प्रयोग सीखते हैं।
बिलकुल। एकवचन के साथ is का और बहुवचन के साथ are का प्रयोग होता है। I के साथ हमेशा am का प्रयोग होता है।

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कक्षा का विवरण दे - Learn is, am, are - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on कक्षा का विवरण दे - Learn is, am, are