Answer below question:
Question: मेरा घर बहुत निकट है ।
( A ). My house is very far.
( B ). My house is very near.
( C ). My house is very behind.
( D ). My house is very between.
Answer below question:
Question: Our house is ______ the supermarket and the school.
( A ). in front of
( B ). between
Answer below question:
Question: हमारा घर सुपरमार्केट के पीछे है।
( A ). Our house is between the supermarket.
( B ). Our house is near the supermarket.
( C ). Our house is behind the supermarket.
( D ). Our house is between the supermarket.
Teacher | Student |
आज मुझे कुछ जरूरी काम है, क्या तुम मेरे घर आ सकते हो? | |
बिलकुल। पर मुझे आपका घर नहीं पता है। | |
ओह! ठीक है मैं अपने घर की दिशा बता देती हूँ। | |
अच्छा है। इसी के साथ मैं भी दिशा बताना सीख जाऊँगा। | |
दिशा बताने के लिए हम जिन शब्दों का प्रयोग करते है, उन्हें Preposition कहते हैं। दिशा बताने के लिए प्रायः हम near, between,behind, in front of जैसे आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग करते है। आओ इनका प्रयोग देखें |
Answer below question:
Question: मैं रेलवे स्टेशन के पास रहता हूँ।
( A ). I live between the railway station.
( B ). I live behind the railway station.
( C ). I live in front of the railway station.
( D ). I live near the railway station.
Answer below question:
Question: बैंक मेरे घर के सामने है ।
( A ). The bank is in front of my house.
( B ). The bank is behind my house.
( C ). The bank is near my house.
( D ). The bank is between my house.
Answer below question:
Question: पार्क नदी के पास है।
( A ). The park is in front of the river.
( B ). The park is behind the river.
( C ). The park is between the river.
( D ). The park is near the river.
Answer below question:
Question: हमारा घर सुपरमार्केट और स्कूल के बीच है ।
( A ). Our house is between the supermarket and the school.
( B ). Our house is behind the supermarket and the school.
( C ). Our house is in front of the supermarket and the school.
( D ). Our house is near the supermarket and the school.
Learn by TIPS:
near का प्रयोग पास (not far away in distance) के सन्दर्भ में होता है।
in front of का मतलब सामने होता है।
behind का मतलब पीछे होता है।
between का अर्थ के बीच होता है।
Answer below question:
Question: Our house is _______ the supermarket.
( A ). in front of
( B ). between
घर की दिशा बताना सीखें - Learn near, behind, in front of, between - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on घर की दिशा बताना सीखें - Learn near, behind, in front of, between