Answer below question:
Question: No one knows who he is.
( A ). No one knows
( B ). who he is
( C ). knows who he is
Answer below question:
Question: I don’t care if your car breaks down or not.
( A ). if your car breaks down or not
( B ). if your car
( C ). I don’t care
Learn by TIPS:
Whatever you learn will help you in future. (जो भी आपने सीखा है भविष्य में आपको मदद करेगा।) (noun clause as a subject)
He knows that he will pass the test. (वह जानता है कि वह परीक्षा में पास हो जाएगा।) (noun clause as an object)
ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में clause "Whatever you learn" और "that he will pass the test" वाक्य में एक noun का कार्य कर रहे हैं। जो clause वाक्य में noun का काम करें उसे Noun Clause कहा जाता है। Noun Clause वाक्य में subject, object, और predicate किसी भी स्थान पर हो सकता है।
Noun Clause को आरम्भ करने के लिए that, Wh- word, if/ whether जैसे connective words का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Answer below question:
Question: ज्यादातर लोगों को पता है कि मकड़ी के आठ पैर होते हैं।
( A ). Most people knows that a spider have eight legs.
( B ). Most people know that a spider has eight legs.
( C ). Most peoples know that a spider has seven legs.
Answer below question:
Question: He said that he would not go.
( A ). He said
( B ). said that he would
( C ). that he would not go
Answer below question:
Question: Now I know what he would have thought.
( A ). Now I know
( B ). what he would
( C ). what he would have thought
Answer below question:
Question: उसने मुझे बताया कि उसने किसी को गोली मार दी थी।
( A ). He told me that he had shot someone.
( B ). He told me what he had shot someone.
( C ). He told me that he had shooten someone.
Answer below question:
Question: मुझे परवाह नहीं है कि अपनी कलम सही है या नहीं।
( A ). I doesn't care if your pen is proper and not.
( B ). I don’t care that your pen is proper or not.
( C ). I don’t care if your pen is proper or not.
Answer below question:
Question: My belief is that he will come.
( A ). My belief is
( B ). that
( C ). that he will come
Answer below question:
Question: आप जा सकते हैं अगर आपको यहाँ रहना पसंद नहीं है।
( A ). You can come if you do not like being there.
( B ). You could go that you do not like being here.
( C ). You can go if you do not like being here.
Noun clause - 1 - Noun clause - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Noun clause - 1 - Noun clause