Lesson- Noun Clause बनाना सीखें - Noun Clause - 2

Answer below question:
Question: The patient will recover. This is the doctor’s assurance.

( A ). The doctor assured that the patient would recover.

( B ). The doctor assurance that the patient would recover.

( C ). The doctor assured whether the patient would recover.

Answer: The doctor assured that the patient would recover.
Explanation: डॉक्टर ने आश्वासन दिया है कि मरीज ठीक हो जाएगा।

Answer below question:
Question: Why is Neetu late? I don't know.

( A ). I doesn't know why Neetu is late.

( B ). I don't know why Neetu is late.

( C ). I don't know what is Neetu late.

Answer: I don't know why Neetu is late.
Explanation: मैं नहीं जानता कि नीतू क्यों देर से है।

Answer below question:
Question: He will win the first prize. It is certain.

( A ). It is certain that he will win the first prize.

( B ). It is uncertain that he will win the first prize.

( C ). It is certain that she will winning the first prize.

Answer: It is certain that he will win the first prize.
Explanation: यह निश्चित है कि वह प्रथम पुरस्कार जीत जाएगा।

Answer below question:
Question: I'm not going to tell you ________________.

( A ). what should you do

( B ). what you should do

( C ). what shall you do

Answer: what you should do
Explanation: मैं आपको नहीं बताने जा रहा कि आपको क्या करना चाहिए।

Answer below question:
Question: He has committed a mistake. It is obvious.

( A ). It is obvious what he has committed a mistake.

( B ). It is obviousy that he has committed a mistake.

( C ). It is obvious that he has committed a mistake.

Answer: It is obvious that he has committed a mistake.
Explanation: यह स्पष्ट है कि उसने एक गलती की है।

Answer below question:
Question: I wonder ______________.

( A ). how is he got on

( B ). how he is getting on

( C ). how he is gotten on

Answer: how he is getting on
Explanation: मुझे आश्चर्य है कि वह कैसे कर रहा है।

Answer below question:
Question: He will fight to the finish. He says this.

( A ). He says that he will fight to the finish.

( B ). He says if he will fight to the finish.

( C ). He says he that will fight to the finish.

Answer: He says that he will fight to the finish.
Explanation: वह कहता है कि वह अंत तक लड़ेगा।

Answer below question:
Question: I couldn't tell him ________________.

( A ). where was I

( B ). where I was

( C ). where were I

Answer: where I was
Explanation: मैं उसे बता नहीं सका कि मैं कहाँ था ।

Answer below question:
Question: Mehul asked me ________________.

( A ). where was his wallet.

( B ). where his wallet was.

( C ). where her wallet were.

Answer: where his wallet was.
Explanation: मेहुल ने मुझसे पूछा कि उसका बटुआ कहाँ है।

Answer below question:
Question: Has he passed his exam? I want to know.

( A ). I want to know where he has passed his exam.

( B ). I want to know if he has passed his exam.

( C ). I wanted to know if he has passing his exam.

Answer: I want to know if he has passed his exam.
Explanation: मैं जानना चाहता हूँ कि क्या वह परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण हुआ है।

Learn by TIPS:

Noun Clause को आरम्भ करने के लिए that, Wh- word, if/ whether जैसे connective words का प्रयोग करते हैं। जैसे -

I feel that he is right. (मुझे लगता है कि वह सही है।)

(अगर किसी clause में that का अर्थ 'कि' हो तो वह प्रायः Noun Clause होता है।)

No one knows what he is doing. (कोई नहीं जानता कि वह क्या कर रहा है।)

(Wh - शब्दों का अर्थ जब 'क' (जैसे कहाँ, कैसे, क्यों, कब आदि) हो तो उनसे शुरू होने वाले clauses - Noun Clauses होते हैं)

Do you know if the roads are open? (क्या आप जानते हैं कि सड़कें खुले हैं?)

Yes और No वाले questions में if या whether से Noun Clause शुरू होते हैं।

I don't know whether she will come or not. (मैं नहीं जानता कि वह आएगी या नहीं ।)

(साधारण वाक्यों में if या whether से शुरू होने वाले Noun Clause में इनका हिंदी अर्थ 'कि' होता है।)

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Noun Clause बनाना सीखें - Noun Clause - 2 - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Noun Clause बनाना सीखें - Noun Clause - 2