Lesson- Ordinal/Cardinal numbers सीखें - दोनों में अंतर समझें

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Ordinal numbers का प्रयोग व्यंजन बनाने के लिए निर्देश देने या साधारण निर्देश देने के लिए भी होता है।

First, mix flour, sugar, and milk.


Second, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Answer below question:
Question: मैं दसवीं कक्षा में हूँ।

( A ). I am in tenth grade .

( B ). I are in ten grade .

( C ). I am in the tenth grade .

( D ). I is in ten grade .

Answer: I am in the tenth grade .

Answer below question:
Question: वह इस साल तीसरी बार मुंबई गया।

( A ). He went to Mumbai for the third time this year.

( B ). He went to Mumbai for third time this year.

( C ). He goes to Mumbai for the third time this year.

( D ). I went to Mumbai for the third time this year.

Answer: He went to Mumbai for the third time this year.

Answer below question:
Question: चौथी बार मैं इस फिल्म को देख रहा हूँ।

( A ). The fourth times I am watching this film .

( B ). The fourth time I am watching this film .

( C ). Fourth time I am watching this films .

( D ). The four times I am watching this film .

Answer: The fourth time I am watching this film .

Answer below question:
Question: I am in _______ standard .

( A ). the tenth

( B ). ten

( C ). the ten

Answer: the tenth
Explanation: मैं दसवीं कक्षा में हूँ।

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Cardinal numbers --- counting ; हमें मात्रा (quantity) या कोई वस्तु कितनी है (how many) बताते है।

I bought two bananas at the store.(मैंने दुकान से दो केले ख़रीदे।)

There are seven people in my family.(मेरे परिवार में सात लोग हैं।)


Answer below question:
Question: कमरे में पच्चीस लोग हैं।

( A ). There are the twenty-five people in the room.

( B ). There are twenty-five people in the room.

( C ). There are twenty-fifth people in the room.

( D ). There is the twenty-fifth people in the room.

Answer: There are twenty-five people in the room.
Explanation: वाक्य में संख्या (quantity) बताई जा रही है इसलिए Cardinal numbers का प्रयोग करेंगे।

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Ordinal numbers ---- order, Position;  स्थिति (position, order) या  पद (rank of something) दिखाता है ।

हम ordinal numbers का प्रयोग दिनांकों के साथ और किसी वस्तु की स्थिति (order) बताने में करते है।

Neha finished the race in first place!(नेहा ने पहले स्थान पर दौड़ समाप्त किया !)

Neha’s sister was tenth.(नेहा की बहन दसवें स्थान पर थी।)

Teacherहिंदी दोस्त
कई बार हम अंग्रेज़ी लिखने और बोलने में छोटी छोटी गलतियाँ कर देते है। जैसे --- "मैं नंबर पांच सवाल पर हूँ। "बोलते है जो गलत है।
तो फिर सही शब्द क्या होगा ?
सही वाक्य होगा - "मैं पांचवे प्रश्न पर हूँ।"
हाँ मैंने भी cardinal और ordinal numbers के विषय में पढ़ा है।
आओ इनके बारे में विस्तार से जानें ----

Answer below question:
Question: मेरे परिवार में सात लोग हैं।

( A ). There are the seven people in his family.

( B ). There are seventh people in my family.

( C ). There are the seventh people in her family.

( D ). There are seven people in my family.

Answer: There are seven people in my family.

Answer below question:
Question: I am solving ______ question.

( A ). the five

( B ). five

( C ). the fifth

Answer: the fifth
Explanation: इसका मतलब हैं -मैं पांचवां प्रश्न हल कर रहा हूँ ।

Answer below question:
Question: I have seen that movie _______ times.

( A ). four

( B ). fourth

( C ). the fourth

Answer: four
Explanation: मैं वह फिल्म चार बार देख चुका हूँ।

Answer below question:
Question: मेरी कक्षा दूसरी मंजिल पर है ।

( A ). My classroom is on the two floor.

( B ). My classroom are on second floor.

( C ). Your classroom is on the second floors.

( D ). My classroom is on the second floor.

Answer: My classroom is on the second floor.

Answer below question:
Question: वर्ष का पहला महीना जनवरी है ।

( A ). First month of the year is January.

( B ). The one month of the year is January.

( C ). The first month of the year is the January.

( D ). The first month of the year is January.

Answer: The first month of the year is January.

Answer below question:
Question: वह यह पुरस्कार जीतने वाले चौदहवें व्यक्ति थे ।

( A ). He was fourteenth person to win the award.

( B ). He was the fourteenth person to win the award.

( C ). He was fourteen person to win the award.

( D ). We was the fourteen person to win the award.

Answer: He was the fourteenth person to win the award.

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Ordinal/Cardinal numbers सीखें - दोनों में अंतर समझें - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Ordinal/Cardinal numbers सीखें - दोनों में अंतर समझें