Lesson- Shopping से सम्बंधित बातचीत - Conversation

आज मैं अपने परिवार के साथ shopping के mall में लिए जा रहा हूँ। क्या आप हमारे साथ चलने पसंद करेंगी?
क्यों नहीं। आज वैसे भी छुट्टी का दिन है। क्या खरीदना है आप लोगों को?
कुछ कपड़े खरीदने है होली के लिए।
अच्छा है, मैं भी खरीद लूंगी।
मुझे भी अच्छा रहेगा। मैं आपसे अंग्रेज़ी के सामान्य वाक्यांश जो shopping के दौरान प्रयोग होते है, सीख लूँगा।

Answer below question:
Question: मैं कुछ सूट और साड़ी लेना चाहूंगी।

( A ). I would buy like to any suits and saris.

( B ). I would like to buy any suits and saris.

( C ). I would like to buy some jeans and t-shirts.

( D ). I would like to buy some suits and saris.

Answer: I would like to buy some suits and saris.

Learn by TIPS:

जब आप shopping के लिए जाते है तो वाक्य को I would like to _______ से शुरू करें अपनी पसंद और नापसंद को ठीक से बताये।  

Important terms in shopping

thank you - धन्यवाद

purchase - खरीदना

garments - कपड़े

to like - चाहना

color - रंग

light color - हल्के रंग

payment - भुगतान

to accept - स्वीकार करना

cash - नगद

only - मात्र

Answer below question:
Question: मैं गर्मियों के लिए कुछ कपड़े खरीदना चाहूंगी।

( A ). I would like to buy some clothes for summer.

( B ). I will like to buy some clothes for summer.

( C ). I would like to buying some clothes for summer.

( D ). I would like to buy some clothes for winter.

Answer: I would like to buy some clothes for summer.

Answer below question:
Question: मै़ कुछ कपड़े खरीदना चाहूंगी।

( A ). I would like to purchase some garments.

( B ). I will like to purchase some garments.

( C ). I would like to purchased some garments.

( D ). I would liking to purchase some garments.

Answer: I would like to purchase some garments.

Answer below question:
Question: यहाँ पर आप कृपया कपडे चुनिये। आराम से देखिये।

( A ). kindly select your garments. Felt comfortable.

( B ). kindly select your garments. Feel comfortable.

( C ). kindly selected your garments. Feel comfortable.

( D ). Kindly select our garments. Feel comfortable.

Answer: kindly select your garments. Feel comfortable.

Answer below question:
Question: कुछ् हल्के रंग मे़, जैसे हल्क़ा हरा।

( A ). Something in dark colors, say light green.

( B ). Something in light colors, say dark green.

( C ). Something in light colors, say light green.

( D ). Anything in light colors, say green.

Answer: Something in light colors, say light green.

Answer below question:
Question: मुझे इन कपड़ों के लिए कितना भुगतान करना होगा?

( A ). How many I have to pay for these clothes?

( B ). How much I has to paid for these clothes?

( C ). How much I had to pay for those clothes?

( D ). How much I have to pay for these clothes?

Answer: How much I have to pay for these clothes?

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Shopping से सम्बंधित बातचीत - Conversation - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Shopping से सम्बंधित बातचीत - Conversation