Lesson- उल्टा - सीधा - Learn Opposites

Answer below question:
Question: Early

( A ). forget

( B ). sweet

( C ). full

( D ). late

Answer: late
Explanation: early जल्दी -- late देर से

Learn by TIPS:

  • पेड़ छोटा (small) है।
  • पेड़ बड़ा (big) है।

Answer below question:
Question: sweet

( A ). early

( B ). full

( C ). sour

( D ). thin

Answer: sour
Explanation: sour - खट्टा sweet - मीठा

Opposite में दो शब्द होते है जिनका अर्थ एक दुसरे से विपरीत होता है।
Opposite को Antonyms भी कहते है।

Answer below question:
Question: left

( A ). write

( B ). right

( C ). north

( D ). south

Answer: right

Answer below question:
Question: This is a tall tree.

( A ). This is a short tree.

( B ). This is a thin tree.

( C ). This is a young tree.

( D ). This is a balck tree

Answer: This is a short tree.
Explanation: This is a tall tree. यह एक लंबा पेड़ है।This is a short tree. यह एक छोटा पेड़ है।

Answer below question:
Question: Brave

( A ). coward

( B ). thin

( C ). hot

( D ). cold

Answer: coward
Explanation: coward कायर -- brave बहादूर

Answer below question:
Question: Pass

( A ). unpass

( B ). irpass

( C ). fail

( D ). far

Answer: fail

Learn by TIPS:

laughing happy

frown sad

Answer below question:
Question: Remember

( A ). forget

( B ). sweet

( C ). thin

( D ). fail

Answer: forget
Explanation: (remember -याद रखना , forget- भूल जाना )

Answer below question:
Question: He is my elder brother.

( A ). He is my small brother.

( B ). He is my unelder brother.

( C ). He is my younger brother.

( D ). He is my big brother.

Answer: He is my younger brother.
Explanation: elder ज्येष्ठ(बड़ा) -- younger छोटा

इंग्लिश दोस्तइंग्लिश दोस्त
Opposite में दो शब्द होते है जिनका अर्थ एक दुसरे से विपरीत होता है।
Opposite को Antonyms भी कहते है।

Answer below question:
Question: He is absent today.

( A ). He is unabsent today.

( B ). He is late today.

( C ). He is early today.

( D ). He is present today.

Answer: He is present today.
Explanation: absent अनुपस्थित - present उपस्थित

Answer below question:
Question: Beautiful

( A ). unbeautiful

( B ). disbeautiful

( C ). ugly

( D ). good

Answer: ugly

Answer below question:
Question: This is a big mountain.

( A ). This is a thin mountain.

( B ). This is a small mountain.

( C ). This is a fat mountain.

( D ). This is a tall mountain.

Answer: This is a small mountain.
Explanation: big बड़ा - small छोटा

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उल्टा - सीधा - Learn Opposites - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on उल्टा - सीधा - Learn Opposites