Lesson- लेवल टेस्ट - 3 - Level test 3

Answer below question:
Question: मक्का

( A ). wheat

( B ). rice

( C ). maize

( D ). oat

Answer: maize

Answer below question:
Question: हम या तो अब खा सकते हैं या शो के बाद।

( A ). We can’t either eat now nor after the show.

( B ). We can neither eat now or after the show.

( C ). We can either eat now or after the show.

( D ). We can neither eat now nor after the show.

Answer: We can either eat now or after the show.

Answer below question:
Question: जहाजों या एक ही तरह के वाहनों का समूह (सही collective noun चुनिए )

( A ). fleet

( B ). family

( C ). nation

( D ). bunch

Answer: fleet

Answer below question:
Question: किताब टेबल के पास है।

( A ). The book is on the table.

( B ). The book is in the table.

( C ). The book is near the table.

( D ). The book is under the table.

Answer: The book is near the table.

Answer below question:
Question: Childhood is the best period of your life. (सही abstract noun चुनिए )

( A ). best

( B ). childhood

( C ). your

( D ). life

Answer: childhood

Answer below question:
Question: कार के पहियों के बीच में कुछ है।

( A ). There is something among the wheels of the car.

( B ). There is something between the wheels of the car.

( C ). There was something among the wheels of the car.

( D ). There is something among the wheels of the bus.

Answer: There is something between the wheels of the car.

Answer below question:
Question: लता नहीं जा सकी, क्यूंकि वह थकी हुई थी।

( A ). Lata couldn't go, for she was tired.

( B ). Lata couldn't go, so she was tired.

( C ). Lata couldn't go, yet she was tired.

( D ). Lata couldn't go, nor she was tired.

Answer: Lata couldn't go, for she was tired.

Answer below question:
Question: क्या तुम नहीं पढ़ते रहोगे?

( A ). Will you not be reading?

( B ). Will not be you reading?

( C ). Will you not be read?

( D ). Will reading you not be?

Answer: Will you not be reading?

Answer below question:
Question: क्या वह कल रो रही थी?

( A ). Were she crying yesterday?

( B ). Were she cry yesterday?

( C ). Was she crying yesterday?

( D ). Was she cry yesterday?

Answer: Was she crying yesterday?

Answer below question:
Question: बारिश नही हो रही।

( A ). It not is raining.

( B ). It am not raining.

( C ). It are not raining.

( D ). It is not raining.

Answer: It is not raining.

Answer below question:
Question: नेहा जल्दी से कार में चढ़ी।

( A ). Neha got into the car quickly.

( B ). Neha got in the car quickly.

( C ). Neha got in the car quick.

( D ). Neha getting into the car quickly.

Answer: Neha got into the car quickly.

Answer below question:
Question: Honey-bees (मधुमक्खी) make _____ to live in.

( A ). hives

( B ). den

( C ). pen

( D ). mound

Answer: hives

Answer below question:
Question: वह बाहर खड़ा था क्योंकि वह लेट था।

( A ). He was standing out so that he was late.

( B ). He was standing out because he was late.

( C ). He was standing out whenever he was late.

( D ). He was standing out or he was late.

Answer: He was standing out because he was late.

Answer below question:
Question: तुम नहीं पढ़ते रहोगे।

( A ). You are not be reading.

( B ). You were not be reading.

( C ). You will not be reading.

( D ). You will be not reading.

Answer: You will not be reading.

Answer below question:
Question: वे अक्सर इंटरनेट का प्रयोग करते है।

( A ). They always use the Internet .

( B ). They sometimes use the Internet .

( C ). They often use the Internet .

( D ). They usually use the Internet .

Answer: They often use the Internet .

Answer below question:
Question: लड़का बुद्धिमान है, पर नटखट है।

( A ). He is a wise guy, but is naughty.

( B ). He is a wise guy, and is naughty.

( C ). He is a wise guy, because is naughty.

( D ). He is a wise guy, or is naughty.

Answer: He is a wise guy, but is naughty.

Answer below question:
Question: मैं तुम्हारा इंतजार करता रहूँगा।

( A ). I will be wait for you.

( B ). I will be waited for you.

( C ). I will be waiting for you.

( D ). I will waiting for you.

Answer: I will be waiting for you.

Answer below question:
Question: Hema will go shopping tomorrow. (सही proper noun चुनिए )

( A ). Hema

( B ). go

( C ). shopping

( D ). tomorrow

Answer: Hema

Answer below question:
Question: उन्होंने पास में एक घर बनाया।

( A ). They built a house everywhere.

( B ). They built a house nearby.

( C ). They built a house nowhere.

( D ). They built a house top.

Answer: They built a house nearby.

Answer below question:
Question: राज़मा

( A ). Green gram

( B ). Red Kidney Beans

( C ). Peas

( D ). Red Lentil

Answer: Red Kidney Beans

Answer below question:
Question: Cotton dress is cheap. (सही material noun चुनिए )

( A ). cheap

( B ). is

( C ). dress

( D ). cotton

Answer: cotton

Answer below question:
Question: 12 बज कर 10 मिनिट

( A ). Ten past twelve

( B ). Half past twelve

( C ). Twelve o’clock

( D ). ten to twelve

Answer: Ten past twelve

Answer below question:
Question: उसकी बाईं आंख के नीचे एक तिल है।

( A ). There is a mole over his left eye.

( B ). There is a mole above his left eye.

( C ). There is a mole under his left eye.

( D ). There is a mole below his left eye.

Answer: There is a mole below his left eye.

Answer below question:
Question: नेहा अपने मित्र की प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी।

( A ). Neha were wait for her friend.

( B ). Neha was waited for her friend.

( C ). Neha were waiting for her friend.

( D ). Neha was waiting for her friend.

Answer: Neha was waiting for her friend.

Answer below question:
Question: हाय, वह अब मर चुका है।

( A ). Oh, he's dead now.

( B ). Well, he's dead now.

( C ). Ouch, he's dead now.

( D ). Alas, he's dead now.

Answer: Alas, he's dead now.

Answer below question:
Question: मेरे पिता शायद ही कभी शराब पीते है।

( A ). My father never drinks alcohol.

( B ). My father sometimes drinks alcohol.

( C ). My father occasionally drinks alcohol.

( D ). My father hardly ever drinks alcohol.

Answer: My father hardly ever drinks alcohol.

Answer below question:
Question: मैं काम नहीं कर रहा था।

( A ). I was not working.

( B ). I not was working.

( C ). I was working not.

( D ). I was not work.

Answer: I was not working.

Answer below question:
Question: हमारा घर सुपरमार्केट के पीछे है।

( A ). Our house is between the supermarket.

( B ). Our house is near the supermarket.

( C ). Our house is behind the supermarket.

( D ). Our house is between the supermarket.

Answer: Our house is behind the supermarket.

Answer below question:
Question: हेमा घोड़े पर सवारी कर रही है।

( A ). Hema is ride on horse.

( B ). Hema is riding on horse.

( C ). Hema are riding on horse.

( D ). Hema was riding on horse.

Answer: Hema is riding on horse.

Answer below question:
Question: अधिकतर कालीन 1000 रुपए से अधिक हैं।

( A ). Most of the carpets are over Rs 1000.

( B ). Most of the carpets are above Rs 1000.

( C ). Most of the carpets are more Rs 1000.

( D ). Most of the carpets are over Rs 2000.

Answer: Most of the carpets are over Rs 1000.

Answer below question:
Question: हम कल फिल्म देखेंगे।

( A ). We will watch a movie tomorrow.

( B ). We will watch a movie today.

( C ). We will watch a movie yesterday.

( D ). We always watch a movie.

Answer: We will watch a movie tomorrow.

Answer below question:
Question: क्या मैं क्रिकेट खेल रहा हूँ ?

( A ). Is I playing cricket?

( B ). Am I playing cricket?

( C ). Am I play cricket?

( D ). Are I playing cricket?

Answer: Am I playing cricket?

Answer below question:
Question: We are going to a restaurant. (सही Common noun चुनिए )

( A ). going

( B ). are

( C ). restaurant

( D ). we

Answer: restaurant

Answer below question:
Question: मैं बुखार से पीड़ित हूँ ।

( A ). I am suffering by fever.

( B ). I am suffering with fever.

( C ). I am suffering from fever.

( D ). I am suffering for fever.

Answer: I am suffering with fever.

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लेवल टेस्ट - 3 - Level test 3 - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on लेवल टेस्ट - 3 - Level test 3