Common shortcuts rules for Article - जून 2022 - Daily Learning #namaste_english

Summary: Common shortcuts rules for Article - जून 2022 - Daily Learning #namaste_english

Key Concepts:

  • Rule 1: When the names of meals such as Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner / supper, no articles should be used- Ex- I have breakfast at 8 o’clock in the morning.

  • Rule 2: After di-transitive verbs like Elect/ Make / Appoint, no articles should be used Except they are used as mono transitive verbs. Ex- We appointed him chairman.

  • Rule 3: The Government of India appointed a committee. (Right - Mono transitive verb) i.e. After type of / sort of / kind of / post of / title of / rank of, no articles are used. Ex- Ram was promoted to the rank of Manager.

About this page:

Learn the common shortcuts rules for using articles in English grammar. Improve your understanding of when to use or not use articles in different contexts.