How to Respond to good news - खुशखबरी का जवाब कैसे दें - सितम्बर 2022 - Daily Learning #namaste_english
अच्छी खबर सुनने के बाद आप इन वाक्यांशों का प्रयोग कर उत्तर दे सकते हैं -
Wow, that sounds exciting !
That’s great !
How fantastic !
What fantastic / good / brilliant / great / wonderful / splendid news!
That's good / brilliant / great / wonderful / splendid news!
That sounds like great news!
I’m glad to hear that!
Great news!
Sounds great!
Lucky you!
Oh, how wonderful!
I can’t believe that!
About this page:
Learn how to respond to good news in English with this guide. Find phrases and expressions to use when someone shares exciting news with you. Improve your conversational skills and make the conversation more engaging. Visit Namaste English for more language learning resources.