Available on Namaste English app | Teaching medium : English | हिन्दी
About the course
इस कोर्स को सभी वर्ग के लोगों को ध्यान में रखकर बनाया गया है चाहे वो student हो, housewife हो, घर से काम करते हो या ऑफिस जाते हो। ये क्लासेज हर किसी के लिए उपयुक्त और सुविधाजनक है। यह एक ऐसी क्लास है जहाँ आप सिर्फ़ English बोलना ही नहीं बल्कि उन्हें समयानुसार और situation के according बोलना सीखेंगे। इसके अतिरिक्त आप इस course में, जाने अनजाने बोलते समय होने वाली grammatical mistakes के बारे में जानेंगे और उन्हें सही करेंगे ।
Divya Ma'am को 6 वर्ष से अधिक का teaching experience हैं। शिक्षण क्षेत्र में इनका बहुत अधिक अनुभव है। इन्होंने reputed schools and international teaching platforms के अतिरिक्त विभिन्न वर्ग के लोगों को भी training दी है। इन्होंने interpersonal और interview के लिए भी छात्रों को training दी है। वे एक certified English trainer हैं और कई वर्षों से English communication, Grammar, Soft skills जैसे अन्य कई topics पर training दे रही है।
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Course Schedule
Day 1 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 1 - Introducing yourself by Divya Ma'am
24:1 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn how to introduce yourself . Read class notes
Day 2 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 2 - Describing people by Divya Ma'am
32:25 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn how to Describe people around you Read class notes
Day 3 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 3 - Greetings by Divya Ma'am
32:20 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn how to express Greetings. Read class notes
Day 4 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 4 - How to express Feelings & emotions by Divya Ma'am
35:30 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn how to express Feelings & emotions. Read class notes
Day 5 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 5 - Telling the time by Divya Ma'am
39:11 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn how to express time in daily life. Read class notes
Day 6 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 6 - Daily Routine Activity by Divya Ma'am
35:0 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn how to Describe Daily routine activity. Read class notes
Day 7 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 7 - Talking about family by Divya Ma'am
Day 8 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 8 - Manner & etiquettes by Divya Ma'am
33:15 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn about Manner & etiquettes. Read class notes
Day 9 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 9 - Describing Ability & Capacities by Divya Ma'am
34:28 Minutes
In todays sessiom we will learn how to describe ability & capacities. Read class notes
Day 10 - English Spoken Course Part 1 / DAY 10 - Talking about home by Divya Ma'am
Class scheduled for
20 Mar, 2023 03:00PM
In todays sessiom we will learn how to Talking about home Read class notes
What our users say
Abhijeet Chauhan
Hello HinKhoj, i started your live spoken class in May 2019,
it was a wonderful experience to be a part of your student and i loved your way of
teaching and solving query of the doubts raised by me.
Shivendra Singh
Hinkhoj play an important role in shaping my future as it helped me in
learning basics of spoken English. Also, the positive learning experience
and exercise of teaching was a definite plus!
Jyoti Yadav
This is a good course that I am so thankful to be part of live English spoken
course by HinKhoj. Thank you HinKhoj for all the hard work you have put into it!
Priyanka Sharma
I wanted to drop a line and let you know how impressed I am with the teacher
and their way of teaching. They deserve many thanks for all they did
for us during the course tenure.