Introductory course - अंग्रेजी में Sentences बनाना सीखें और फर्राटेदार English बोलें

Available on Namaste English app | Teaching medium : English | हिन्दी
About the course
आज के समय कि यह जरूरत बन गई है कि हम चाहे School Life में , कॉलेज Life में या Career में कहीं भी जाएं, कुछ भी करें, हमें अच्छी फर्राटेदार अंग्रेजी आनी चाहिए तो क्या आपको भी फर्राटेदार अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखना है, क्या आप भी अपनी अंग्रेजी से सभी को Impress करना चाहते हो ? तो देर किस बात की , Namaste English लाया है आपके लिए Tanya Ma'am द्वारा Specially designed Spoken English Course जिससे आप Confidence के साथ बेझिझक अंग्रेजी बोल पाओगे। तो फटाफट आज ही Join कीजिए ।
Key benefits of course
Become master in making any Sentence in English
Improve you confidence and fluency
Suitable for all age group and class
Know your instructor
Tanya Ma’am
English Instructor
Tanya Ma’am के पास teaching का एक व्यापक अनुभव हैं। Tanya Ma’am एक well qualified expert trainer है। वे पिछले लगभग 5 वर्षों से इस क्षेत्र में काम कर रही हैं। इनके पास Spoken English और Public Speaking का व्यापक अनुभव हैं।
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Course Schedule
Day 1 - Learn to make sentences related to Greetings and Practices
50:0 Minutes
Hello everyone, I am Tanya and today I am going to talk about greetings and the importance of greetings in the world of communication. I'll introduce the guiding factors and what things are to be kept in mind while talking to some one of different age, position and relation.
Day 2 - Learn to make sentences related to Manners
66:2 Minutes
we are going to talk about the role of manners and etiquettes in spoken English and how does it benefit us, what is the importance of manners and what types of phrases we can use to bring about a positive change in our lives and the lives of the people we influence in a number of ways.
Day 3 - Spoken English part 3 on Learn to make sentences related how to express Emotion
69:8 Minutes
Today's class is going to be about emotions and phrases and how to express our emotions using a single sentence. I'll be discussing about the role of portraying one's emotions and how to do it in a correct way.
Day 4 - Spoken English Part 4 on Learn to make sentences related to interrogative sentences
64:23 Minutes
Today .I'll be talking about interrogative sentences and the "W" family in English and how cancert a in words change the meaning and context of a particulars entence and how to incorporate these words in any sentence. The aim of this video is to introduce the concept of interrogative sentences and W words and how each and every part of a sentence is important and how to use it correctly.
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