Adjective of number in hindi

Adjective of Number (संख्यावाचक विशेषण)

Adjectives of number describe the quantity of nouns. In Hindi, they are called "संख्यावाचक विशेषण". These adjectives help us understand how many or in what order things are.

Key Concepts:

1. Cardinal Numbers (गिनती के संख्याएँ): These tell us how many. Examples include one (एक), two (दो), three (तीन).

2. Ordinal Numbers (क्रमवाचक संख्याएँ): These tell us the order of things. Examples include first (पहला), second (दूसरा), third (तीसरा).

Usage Examples:

1. There are three apples. (वहाँ तीन सेब हैं।)

2. She is the first in line. (वह कतार में पहली है।)

Key Mistakes:

1. Mixing up cardinal and ordinal numbers. For example, saying "three" when you mean "first".

2. Forgetting to match the adjective with the noun in gender and number. In Hindi, adjectives must agree with the noun they describe.

Understanding adjectives of number is essential for clear communication in both English and Hindi. Practice using them in sentences to improve your language skills!



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