Correct rules to use ‘many’ , 'much' and ‘more’

Correct rules to use ‘many’, 'much' and ‘more’

Many English learners often get confused when it comes to using the words ‘many’, 'much', and ‘more’. These words are used to talk about quantity or amount, but they have different rules for usage. Let’s take a look at the correct rules to use these words.

1. Many: We use ‘many’ when we are talking about countable nouns, which means things that we can count. For example:
- I have many books. (मेरे पास कई किताबें हैं।)
- There are many students in the classroom. (कक्षा में कई छात्र हैं।)

2. Much: We use ‘much’ when we are talking about uncountable nouns, which means things that we cannot count. For example:
- I don’t have much time. (मेरे पास ज्यादा समय नहीं है।)
- She doesn’t have much money. (उसके पास ज्यादा पैसे नहीं हैं।)

3. More: We use ‘more’ when we want to compare two things or when we want to say that there is a greater amount of something. For example:
- He has more friends than me. (उसके पास मेरे से ज्यादा दोस्त हैं।)
- Can I have more water, please? (क्या मुझे और पानी मिल सकता है, कृपया?)

Key Mistakes:
- Using ‘many’ with uncountable nouns. (Incorrect: I have many water.)
- Using ‘much’ with countable nouns. (Incorrect: She has much books.)
- Using ‘more’ when comparing more than two things. (Incorrect: He has more friends than all of us.)

By understanding and following these correct rules, you can improve your English and avoid common mistakes. Practice using ‘many’, 'much', and ‘more’ in different sentences to become more confident in your English language skills.



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