Some more Use of 'It' in spoken and written English

The word 'IT' is generally used as a pronoun to refer to something previously mentioned or to introduce a new subject. In Hindi, 'IT' can be translated to 'यह' (yeh) or 'वह' (vah) depending on the context.
For example:
- It is a beautiful day today.- आज एक सुंदर दिन है।
Here 'IT' is replaced by 'एक सुंदर दिन' (ek sundar din), which is the subject of the sentence.
- She loves reading books, and IT helps her relax. - वह पुस्तकें पढ़ना पसंद करती है और यह उसे आराम देने में मदद करता है।
Here 'IT' is replaced by 'यह' (yeh), which refers to the act of reading books helping her relax.
In Hindi, the gender of 'यह' and 'वह' varies depending on the gender of the noun being referred to. 'यह' is used for masculine and feminine singular nouns, and 'वह' is used for masculine and feminine plural nouns.



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