Correct use of Attributive adjectives in English Grammar

Correct use of Attributive adjectives in English Grammar

सही तरीके से अट्रिब्यूटिव विशेषणों का उपयोग करना अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में

Attributive adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns. They provide additional information about the noun they are attached to. It is important to use attributive adjectives correctly in English grammar to convey the intended meaning accurately. Here are some key concepts to keep in mind:

1. Placement: In English, attributive adjectives usually come before the noun they modify. For example, "a beautiful flower" or "an interesting book." However, there are exceptions, such as "the main reason" or "the only option."

2. Agreement: Attributive adjectives should agree with the noun in number and gender. For example, "a tall man" (singular) or "two tall men" (plural). Similarly, "a red car" (singular) or "two red cars" (plural).

3. Order: When multiple attributive adjectives are used, they usually follow a specific order. The general order is opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, and purpose. For example, "a beautiful small old round blue French wooden dining table."

Some usage examples:

- She has a lovely little puppy. (उसके पास एक प्यारा छोटा कुत्ता है।)
- They live in a big white house. (वे एक बड़े सफेद घर में रहते हैं।)
- I bought a new black car. (मैंने एक नई काली कार ख़रीदी।)

Key mistakes to avoid:

- Placing the attributive adjective after the noun. (Incorrect: "a flower beautiful.")
- Forgetting to match the adjective with the noun in number and gender. (Incorrect: "a tall woman" instead of "a tall women.")
- Using the wrong order of multiple attributive adjectives. (Incorrect: "a round wooden French blue beautiful small old dining table.")

By understanding and applying the correct use of attributive adjectives, you can enhance your English language skills and effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas. Happy learning!



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