Correct use of model verb 'Could' in English Grammar

Correct use of model verb 'Could' in English Grammar

सही तरीके से मॉडल क्रिया 'Could' का उपयोग अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में

Model verbs are an important part of English grammar as they help us express different possibilities, abilities, and permissions. One such model verb is 'could'. In this article, we will learn about the correct usage of 'could' in English sentences.

'Could' is the past tense of the modal verb 'can'. It is used to talk about past abilities, past possibilities, and polite requests. Let's look at some examples to understand its usage better:

1. I could swim when I was younger. (मैं जब छोटा था तब मैं तैर सकता था।)
2. Could you please pass me the salt? (क्या आप कृपया मुझे नमक दे सकते हैं?)

In the first example, 'could' is used to talk about a past ability. The second example shows the use of 'could' to make a polite request.

It is important to note that 'could' is not used to talk about future possibilities. For that, we use 'can' or 'will be able to'. For example:

1. She can speak French fluently. (वह फ़्रेंच बेहद बात कर सकती है।)
2. I will be able to attend the meeting tomorrow. (मैं कल की मीटिंग में शामिल हो पाउंगा।)

To summarize, 'could' is used to talk about past abilities, past possibilities, and polite requests. It is not used to talk about future possibilities. By understanding its correct usage, we can improve our English communication skills.



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