Difference between Among and Betweein english grammar

The words "among" and "between" are both prepositions used to indicate relationships or positions in relation to multiple items or entities. However, there is a slight difference in how they are used:
1. "Between": "Between" is used when referring to the relationship or position of two items, people, or groups. It indicates a connection or relationship specifically involving two separate entities. For example:
- "He stood between Mary and John."
- "The agreement was reached between the two parties."
2. "Among": "Among" is used when referring to the relationship or position of three or more items, people, or groups. It indicates a connection or relationship involving multiple entities as part of a group or collective. For example:
- "The secret was shared among the three friends."
- "The book was hidden among the other books on the shelf."
In summary, "between" is used for relationships involving two entities, while "among" is used for relationships involving three or more entities.



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